New 150 gallon build

Got through a little more this weekend.

I started skinning the inside of the bulkhead

I also painted the inside of the cabinet with KilZ. It took 3 coats to get decent coverage.

I also filled the tank with water about 1/3 of the way up today. Perfectly level but I discovered 2 tiny leaks going from the overflow silicone seal. I guess I will add more silicone to those to fix them up.

I see you have a wire box turn it into a outlet in the ceiling. you can relocate it inside the light fixture or towards the side

Thanks NitroReef for this idea. I am actually going to run a new line from the breaker box to the ceiling and add a socket in the top of the soffet so that the lighting will be on its own breaker and its own socket.

Does anyone know where I can get some acrylic rods to use for aquascaping? Looking for probably 1/2" to 5/8"

Oh, and thanks to everyone for the encouragement. I really do appreciate any comments you may have.
Sooooo, I did quite a bit more work this weekend.


Covered the bottom of the soffet and trimmed the edge in the stain that matches the cabinetry. I also ran a new electrical line to the soffet just for the lighting and fans.

Picked up heatsinks from Heatsink USA. 5' long.


Grabbed a DJ switch off E-Bay.

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I completed the transfer of the fish and corals to the new tank over this weekend. I'll post pics a bit later on this.
I skewered the rocks on the 5/8" acryllic rods that I ordered from TAP plastics.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo SAM_0462_zpsc72888b7.jpg"/></a>
and started to fill the tank with the water from the old 150. I did not transfer any of the old sand.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo SAM_0473_zps135c1ee2.jpg"/></a>
Frags and corals placed in the sump temporarily.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo SAM_0476_zpse2631495.jpg"/></a>
And supplemental T5's were mounted to the bottom of the soffet. (10K ) along with a small LED fixture that I use for dusk. LEDs will hopefully be mounted to the new heat sinks and at least one of them set up this week.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo SAM_0483_zps9acdde31.jpg"/></a>
So this is where I ended up... Sore as hell but so far a build that I am really happy with.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo SAM_0486_zpsa9cec53e.jpg"/></a><br><br>
Thanks to my cousin Mike and his girlfriend spending Saturday with my addiction.
<br><br><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo SAM_0487_zpse057e5d2.jpg"/></a>
Very nice!

Maybe you could try getting your lighting recessed up in the "canopy" more so its not in your eyes so much

Lookin really good cant wait to see more pics
Thanks so much guys. I'll get more pics going soon. There's still lots to do on this one.

Maybe you could try getting your lighting recessed up in the "canopy" more so its not in your eyes so much

Madness, I still have to order the doors from the cabinet place that will cover the lighting. That sheet that is there on the front is just to keep the glare out of the kitchen. I was too tired/lazy on Sunday night to get to the other one.
I managed to find spare parts from the cabinet build to put together the end panel.