New 45 Gallon Cube


New member
Well I am moving from Columbia MO to Columbus OH and the 6ft 120G just cant go with me. I sold all but my two clowns and a few random corals and 30-40 lbs of rock. The tank sump and equipment will be sold once I can drain it.

Footprint is a big deal to me and off the shelf tanks are simply not the right shape or way too spendy. I looked at biocubes but they were just too much per gallon and I know I would mod the whole thing. So today I just went and picked up my glass from the local place and I am very happy. For $82 I got all 5 pieces of glass for my new 45G cube! I wanted to make sure I have plenty of room for scaping and a few large soft corals. Final tank size: 24x24x18. I also plan to keep this tank pretty simple and sumpless. Planned equipment: Hydor slim skim(not the nano.) May try and re use my WP-40 but I am sure it will wreck my sand(likely a hydor nano) for pulsing, Aqueon pump for continuous flow. Will later add in a canister filter to run some chemical media (chemipure elite) and some floss for mechanical filtration.) Lighting is tbd but I will likely use my 250W leds turned down. Custome stand and hood, and that is it! I know it is a short list but space will be limited and keeping my fiance happy is a premium because I will no longer have a dedicated hobby room, which means a tank in the living room. will plan for 5 gal WC every week.

Well I will hopefully get the tank together tonight and get pics up.
I have a slim skim and it's never touched water. I got it just in time for my tank using a HOB filter to crash :( just getting started back in the saltwater systems and I'm getting pretty excited. Picking up a tank with a light and stand this weekend. I'm also going simple and sumpless as I have no idea how to plumb all of that. Keep updating!