New 600 Gallon Aggressive

chicken you make my tank look like a two bit operation.
I laught when I saw all those RO did you buy all those.
I like your everything but your stand.
Bugger the stand is just a steel tubular stand to hold the tank up. I am going to build oak cabinets around it and an oak hood above, so you will not see any of the steel stand unless you open up the doors on it.
I am just walking out the door. I'll post some more tonight.



Chicken man I am confused too I just want to see 5 pics of the tank and 5 pics of the filter and I wont bother you for a day or two .
This is to be an FO tank, copper wont be a problem unless he's planning on keeping rays or small sharks of some sort. I'm kinda surpirsed mysaelf about the copper pipes since that prevents things from being ever switched over to a reef type set up should he decide to go that route....but there may be more to this system than we know. I would imagine that copper is a much better heat conductor than PVC, that might have something to do with his decision.....
okay, I'm done talking about you like you dont read
feel free to jump in and answer....
I'm sure he's going to use a heat exchanger with the geo loop, not run tank water through it.
Yes. Here is the plan guys, and actually, it's a pretty simple one with just a lot of labor. Bury a loop of copper underneath the surface and run water through it. This will allow the cold ground to chill the water running through it. Compared to how warm your tank is, think about how cold the water is coming out of your faucet. Same principal. We're burying 200 feet or so of 1" copper and then running water through it at a slow rate to let it chill. The end of this copper will have a connection to a titanium heat exchanger (which is nothing more than a loop of titanium that we can run this water though). This head exchanger will be set in the sump in a high flow area so that water will pour over it and be chilled when it comes in contact with it. The exhaust water of this heat exchanger will then dump into the sump of this closed copper loop system, and be circulated back underground to be chilled again. We really hope that this will save on the cost of chilling the tank.

Keep in mind, that even if this were a fish only system, putting this copper underground with all the solderjoints and connecting it right to the system would still not be an option because of the flux and solder required to join the pipes and elbows together.

That copper piping is a good idea! I"ve seen the abs plastic systems used for residential heat/cool, and it takes a couple hundred feet of 6' trenches to cool/heat the water to 55 degrees?!? Anyways the copper sure helps the heat transfer!

Good luck,

Hey KJ, are you impatient?

Hey KJ, are you impatient?

Hey KJ, are you impatient?

Hey KJ, are you impatient?

do i am just a dumb a$$ and hit the button 5 times because it wasent working and then boom all theese posts come up
I am gonna tag along can't wait to see what a 600 gallon will look like when done. I am hoping to get a 240 soon. Just wnat to see how you do it.