New 600 Gallon Aggressive

Oh, so the tub itself will have a divider going through the middle? is that what you are saying? The wall in the middle seperates the chiller loops, saltwater, etc...from the cooler freshwater and copper loop on the right?
No, there will be no divider. Only fresh water will be in cooper geothermal loop, the reservoir and the chiller loops. The only contact salt water will have with the system via titanium heat exchanger. It is the same concept as a chiller except instead of pumping Freon through the heat exchanger I am going to be pumping chilled fresh water through it.
OIC, no chiller at all...the Ti ex-er is circulating with water in the tank....geeez, that thing is going to have to be big...or your water will have to be really cool. Ti isnt one of the best heat exchangers until your delta is large...

Would you consider Al for the actual heat ex?
Lookin' good! Are you going to A/C the filtration shed to keep temps in there down? What type of roof are you going with and will it be insulated? Also, I'd paint it white to help reflect light as that will also help with the heat issue. You could also insulate/encapsulate the cold water holding tank (or bury it) to keep in cool as opposed to cooling down the entire shed as that would likely cost as much in electricity as running a large chiller.
For you guys that keep asking for pics, here you go.. Here are a few Pics of the Dragon. He was moved to the 600g tank about 3 months ago. Right now all I have is a few pumps just circulating water in there and about 800# of LR for filtration. Water Quality though seems to be doing ok.

Art, I'll be around on Sunday if you want to swing on by and take a look at the progress. Give me a call or PM Me.


From my understanding they only get up to about 36" so you should be able to fit it in a tank smaller than 600g, but not sure how small you could go down to. The problem with Dragon's is that they are very hard to find and once you do find one you typically pay and arm and a leg and a leg :(
Thanks Chicken, your eel is worth maybe one leg, I don't know about two. lol. I don't mind paying for one I just want the right setup for one first.
Very cool eel!!

I think that 250' is a little on the short side, but perhaps you will get by with your storage tank (think "thermal" capacitor if your reference is EE) since it will have a 24 hour charge with only a 4-8 hour discharge (depending on light cycle).

The reason most people use polyethylene tubing for the ground loop is due to the limiting thermal resistance being the ground itself - not the tubing. You can only conduct, as fast as the weakest link and since that is nearly always the ground ... then why use copper? That said - don't dig up your current loop, use it, enjoy it, and when you figure out that it is not long enough add 2 more 250' lengths of polyethylene in parallel to the copper loop.

I look forward to seeing this tank develop!
Hey chicken, got any full tank shots?

Ever think of getting an emperor or queen trigger? Now thats agressive. MEAN sons of *****es they are.
Here are a few recent tank shots. I need to work on cleaning the tank as the coriline is starting to take over. Sorry for the poor quality. My digital camera sucks. Going to buy a new one this weekend and I'll get some better pics.



Some of the plumbing running outside. Final plumbing will be 2 x 2" drains, one 2" primary pump return and one 1 1/4" secondary pump return.


Another shot of the dragon chilling in the tank...
