New 600 Gallon Aggressive


What do you plan on using to clean off the coraline. I used some of that Reed DNA, and it took off on my tank, too. I'm resigned to chipping away at it using a Kent scraper with plastic blade.

The problem is that I have not been keeping up on cleaning the tank, so it goes for a month or two at a time before I wipe it down. By that time the coraline has taken off. I figured I am going to have to scrape and scrub it carefully. From there I am going to just keep up using the magnets to keep it away. If I do it every 2 or so days it seems to stay in check.
(Homer Simpson) Mmmmmmmmmm .... Tornaaaaado Taaaaaable ...

For effect you even have a red keg cup up on your tank. ;-)

Looks great.
haha.... I use the red keg cup to defrost the food for all my tanks. It was funny the first time we had a party at the house all the triggers in my other tank were flipping out. They just kept swimming around and going nuts. Finally figured out they kept seeing all the red cups and thought people were going to feed them.
That's hilarous. Whenever we have parties (that always includes kegs) we buy a stash of the famous keg cup. My wife also buys these clear plastic ones for liquor drinks. We always have a bunch left over, then when the next party rolls around my wife always asks, "Hey, what happened to all the drink cups?". I use them for the same thing.

Man, foosball, tank, time to put this together, parties, San Ramon. **jealous** I left The Marina District 3.5 years ago. I miss it every day.
chicken, im a marketing major from chico state, graduating in a year, your company hiring?

please :D

that is pretty sweet, and for the record my parents house is all copper as well so i know what youre talking about.

my aunt married this contractor, they did thermal heating and air for their entire house its 200 feet below the ground, this is in walnut creek
chicken, what are you using to make the coralline take off like that? I try and try and seem to only get minimal results. I use B-Ionic and supplement with Kent Strontium/Molybdenum. Any advice?
Sounds like an awesome tank. Unfortunately I can't see any of the pictures. It keeps timing out. Not sure what the problem is, I can see other peoples pictures. Guess I will see them in a couple months when I get home.
What's up with the pics? I'm planning a big predatory tank and I need to see me some pics! :)


chicken said:
How do links to outside hosting sites cause performance problems for the forums. thats not right.
Ok, got the framing of the shed built. Trying to post some pics but my host is down right now. I'll try getting them up soon.