New 80 Gallon Deep Blue Set Up


New member
My girlfriend purchased bd3616's (bill) 80 gallon rimless tank set up and we have been working on it the past few days. Tonight we got the tank wet and it is up and running without and problems! The stand was black when purchased and I sprayed it white to match the furniture in the room it's in. Figured I would share some pics for everyone to see!

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 83E04F7A-4AEC-4E61-B7B7-23944DC76C9D_zps1hrn5eon.jpg"/></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo B8D15FA0-0B0F-47BD-957D-2419B4E446F6_zpsao6pdaop.jpg"/></a>
Before everything was running

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 5EB4B06D-CAC4-49F2-A75E-23954BA4E971_zpsr4ukxg3v.jpg"/></a>
Awesome setup question is it level it looks like the water is higher on the right side
Awesome setup question is it level it looks like the water is higher on the right side

Noticed that once it got filled and of course Home Depot was closed by then. Going to get some shims today.

Appreciate all the feedback everyone, to say the least I am pretty jealous of her tank..

Anyone looking to get prints of their tank pics photobucket is always running a promotion on them, a 12x12 is only like $15.
Looks awesome!! Did you order the tank from online? I am looking to get the 80 rimless also and trying to figure out who to order It from. Thanks
Thank you! The rock work is done and the tank is cycling. Everything is "live" so I don't believe there will be much of a cycle but for good measure I put a large scallop in a women's sock to feed the bacteria that's in the tank. It was purchased from a local individual but I'm sure a store near you carries deep blue tank and could order one for you.
Tank is running smoothly few fish and corals have been added.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo C57205F6-FEB7-414F-9312-87774A67339D_zpsr489e407.jpg"/></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo CC2E0B7B-B169-479F-A46E-66630F106CA1_zpscdjt3hnq.jpg"/></a>