New Acan From Living Reef


New member
Just wanted to post my new coral from Living Reef Aquariums off Commercial and Dixie. I've been there before and they've always been very nice. They also have a bunch of really nice not so expensive (in comparison) scolys in stock, but I was hoping to wait until after MACNA for one :-P.

The full spectrum LED pics don't do it justice, but I still can't get any blue/violet LED pics to come out with my camera. Anyway here she is, my new acan.

Thank you, I'm very happy with it. I paid no where near what I was expecting to pay. I don't know what proper etiquette is for posting prices from lfs, so if someone could fill me in maybe ill post it. Either way I thought it was a great deal and exactly what I was looking for. Although I did originally wanted the acan from marine net that they posted on their Facebook, it was way too big for my nano and too expensive for my wallet. So we'll see after macna if they frag it down I'd still get 1 or 2 heads of it.
Went by today because they sourced a baby maxima clam i asked them for yesterday. They said they don't mind if I post the price so I paid $100 for the acan & it probably has about 25+ heads. I'll post a pic of the maxima once its acclimated.
Well glad you all approve of my clam :). Mandatory sarcasm included. Now if i can just keep it from hopping off the frag plug. I have it pinned in now with 2 other plugs and its working so far. Even though my girlfriend keeps telling me that its a living thing not a statue and wont stay on my pedestal that i made it. I think its working so far.