new adventure into largeland


New member
Just starting to put together my new project. I purchased a 180 gal r/r tank and I have started the first step of the new install. I had to clear some mirrors off of the wall and run new outlets. Here are the beginning pics.



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LOL well you might be headed for large land,, but your pictures are stuck in smallville ;P

Looks like they are only 72 x 96 pixels- you'll need to make them 400 x 300 at least if not larger to make them fit normal screens. Of course you'll need more than 2000 bytes to make that happen. If you have the original don't reduce the image quality or size so much- or did MSN do that for you?
Here are some LARGE pics. Thanks for the help. Please excuse the condition of the new tank, haven't gotten a chance to clean it .


This is the plan that I have for my stand. It will be 81/2 ft long and 7 ft high. The extra space on the right side I plan on placing some shelves. I am thinking of putting a 20 gal refugium on the top shelf and having it drain right into the main tank.

Seeing your tank sitting there is bringing back memories of when I bought my used 180. All encrsuted and nasty... yaaaa!!!!! :) I hope yours doesn't have all the tiny scratches that you can't see untill you fire up some MH lamps over it like mine did. The guy told me it only has scratches on the one side.. Ya right! Looks like you have a good idea in your mind. Keep the pictures flowing.
Thanks for the replys. The tank is in real good shape . My neighbors' friend was moving and wanted to sell it. He only had it for 2 yrs f/o. I bought the tank and a Mak4 pump for $250 and he delivered it. Patience ...... patience............ patience.
just finished painting the wall and putting together the stand. It will consist of three basic parts. 1. the bottom stand for the 180 gal 2. the side cabinet for the fuge and auot topoff tank 3. the canopy.



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Some updated pics. Stand is coming along nicely. I will be moving stand into its final resting place. And moving tank onto it.



I have left the top pieces unattached so when I move the tank on top of stand, they will not be in the way.
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Moving along with the new stand. The stand is in place now, waiting to place tank onto it. Then I will be starting to build the right side cabinet and then move onto the canopy


Here are some pics of my R/O DI unit. I have it hooked up to the washing machine water supply. Can not take any credit for this idea, since I copied it from a thread on Reef Central. Great idea, easy to hook up with J/G fittings. I just have to install one more tee fitting w/ shut off on the drain line, so I can fill washing machine with waste water.



the green line(good water) I drilled a hole thru the wall and it runs right to my tank setup

Can anyone please help me to determine which protein skimmer will be best suited for my setup.

My setup will consist of a 180 gal r/r tank draining into a 55 gal sump with a seperate 20 gal refugium.
Also what calcium reactor would go with my setup. I know from reading on this site that alot of people have 180 gal setups.
Thanks in advance for the info.