new camera pics


Active member
just picked up a new camera these are some of the first pics i have taken with it and it is super easy to use!

what do you think??

i will take more as time progresses





Good looking pix! A suggestion for #2, try and move the coral in foreground. It can be distracting to see something out of focus in front of the focal point of the picture.
Other than that, everything looks really good.
Good looking pix! A suggestion for #2, try and move the coral in foreground. It can be distracting to see something out of focus in front of the focal point of the picture.
Other than that, everything looks really good.

Thanks I am going to mess around with the camera take some out door photos as well see how they turn out i will post. Thanks for the comment and suggestion!

What camera are you using?

Thanks I just bought this point and shoot Cannon Powershot 210IS at best buy for $279.00 it has some great easy to use features for the price and with 14X optical zoom thats pretty good :)
I will have to keep this camera in mind when shopping for a new one soon. I was thinking a DSLR but do not have the funds for one now.
Thanks for the link. I may actually look at the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX5. It had the best review, 1080 video, and a wider angle lense. I dont think I could go wrong with either one though.