Premium Member
I went to Fishy Business in Lexington today and got several corals. The most beautiful one is a red colt with orange polyps. I also got a neon green pipe organ frag, green gonophora(sp??) frag and a small purple feather duster for my 3 gallon. I also got a Saron Shrimp, just because he was unusual looking, before doing my research and discovering he is not reef safe. Into the sump he went to wander about the LR rubble in there. There is a new reef club in Lexington now, Beech River Reef Club. I am going to check them out. Hey, can't belong to too many reef clubs!! Their meeting was yesterday. The couple whose home the meeting was held at raise their own rotifers, brine shrimp, phyto, etc. ( I got this info from Bruce, the owner of Fishy Business) I also met a new reefer in the shop and gave him one of our club cards and encouraged him to come to the November meeting. Nick came home last weekend and first thing wanted to see my tanks and said he really missed having a tank.