New Diver here


New member
Hi all

Well I'm on my way to getting my diving certification. So for it has been a blast. We're just mucking around in the pool for now, and I am just itching to get out into the open water (up here in cold Nova Scotia). Just wondering if any of you pros have any suggestions for me? Anyw suggestions for gear? I am tempted to buy some used gear from the local buy and trade or from e-bay, but you never know I guess. Should i go new or used. Money is deffinatly an issue. anyway, thanks allot!
Congrats! Nova Scotia?? Burr! I dive in New England...I would not want to go further North ;)

The thing with your equipment is that it's personal taste and comfort. No matter how good a BC is, you'll hate it if it's not comfortable and you can't access everything easily.

Try out as much stuff as you can, even if it's just in the pool.

I've bought things new and used. Our LFS usually has some sweet deal on equipment with one season on it in each October.

Good luck!

PS: check out if you haven't all ready - lots of good info
Awsome thank you!
with one of the largest coldwater reefs, and over 10,000 shipwreckes around the NS coat, I think I lucked in to a diving playground. Hopefully I can bare the cold... deffinatly won't cheap out on the wetsuit!
hehe, you may decide you need a drysuit ;) I dive here with a 7mm wetsuit plus a 3mm lined vest/hood. I'm done after two dives. Occassionally after one if it's really c-o-l-d.

Can divers catch lobsters up there? We can here with a permit. If you like lobsters, it's an incentive.
I'm honestly not sure about the lobster thing. Maybe we can! I would love to snatuch up a few scalobs or muscles for an afternoon bbq. Pretty sure it carries a pretty heavy fine if i'm not liscenced though, so i will have to look in to that.
Or you might want our semi dry suit way less than a dry at 60deg its to hot for me inside and its name is nova scotia
Man it would be way to cold for me up there
like the others said try as much stuff as possible and see what you like , i buy alot of used stuff of ebay but you gotta watch what you get and check it out and try it in pool before you use it in a real dive , if its a reg have local check go over it doesnt cost that much and could save your life
your life is at stake...there are some used item you can use ,,,but anything that has to do with air should be new or checked in a dive shop..........