New DIY Ca reactor

GEBC well, when I first set this up I had left the venturi fitting on the MJ1200, so that excess water would return to the tank out the venturi opening and the reactor would only get what it needed. Not sure why but I had that off.

So I put it back on. Distressingly, it looks like this makes no difference though I will wait and see. But it looks like water is beading up under the lip of the cap on the Hand Tite.

I can confirm water is streaming out of the opening and back into the sump. And water is exiting the reactor nicely at the drip rate I want. Still have it restricted at the output, but this should, I would think, not cause excess pressure in the chamber because of the "escape route" for excess water flow from the pump.

I have no valve to restrict on the pump and I'm not sure I want to restrict the 1200. Then again, I guess I can with that venturi on there. I'll see what I can rig up.
Ok, so I have installed a ball valve between the MJ1200 and the reactor, with the venturi still connected to relieve the pump of backpressure issues.

Water enters the reactor at a trickle. I had doubted this would work but it seems to.

The output is wide open.

Trouble is, the effluent rate is inconsistent. Over a minute I consistently get the amount I want, or close to it. But it is not even flow across the minute, surges then stops, surges then stops. Before, it was 100% constant.

Is this going to be a problem or not?

I may replumb the whole input side and use an Aqualifter with a JG valve. But I am still not sure this is solving the leak problems. I'll know, presumably, in a few days.
Ok, at the risk of jinxing things. ...

I reduced the tubing from the MJ1200 down to RO tubing into a JG ball valve. Then had to expand up to connect to the tubing into the reactor. Not the best setup I know ... I need a fitting to accept RO right into the reactor.

I am guessing this tubing issue is what made it hard to adjust the flow, and I was getting gurgling effluent (air bubbles inside) or inconsistent rates.

So I have the flow restricted to just near where I want it on the input side, with a tad faster than I need, and on the output I fine tune the effluent rate.

Seems to have done the trick. Using both JG valves I get a fairly consistent drip ... about one fast surge a minute happens but it always measures the same amount and exactly where I want over a 2 minute test.

And best part, since my last post no sign of any leaks. So, this did it. I returned all the plumbing I could except for the 4" pipe extenders I ordered online (and which will not accept the Handtites on the inside anyway, too small a diameter, so that would have been a chore to say the least.)

Thanks all!