new fish wanted!


Premium Member
im looking to add another fish since the loss of my copperband. I am looking for a fish that is colorful, not really more than 1 color, but that color can be very intense. something to catch the eye, with an outgoing personality. i have a midas blenny, blue tang, 2 clowns and plan on keeping sps and soft corals and a shrimp. i was thinking about a flame angel or an anthia. i am open for suggestions and price is not really a factor. just suggest fish that you think match that discription!
Flame Angel would be a good choice, although they are known to nip on some coral, but that is not the case with all individuals.

A single Lyretail anthias would work as well, but you must feed them often.

You are probably going to get flamed by some for the blue tang, but if he is small, it may be fone for now, personally, I would not put a tang in anything less than a 6ft tank.

As for other suggestions, how about a longnose Butteryfly? Same shape as your copperband, but bright yellow.

Depending of what corals and such you want to keep, a lemonpeel angel would be another bright one that would work.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6960759#post6960759 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BenH98
6 line wrasse...

not quite colorful enough, and pretty common. thanks for the suggestion but perhaps a different type of wrasse?
A flasher or fairy wrasse would be a good choice.

I'd look for a Lubbocks, Carpenter, or a red headed fairy. These seem to be some of the hardier ones.

I get the lfs we were talking about to order fairys and flashers all the time for me, let me know, and I can get you a good deal on one.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6960874#post6960874 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jeremy Blaze
A flasher or fairy wrasse would be a good choice.

i will keep them in mind. what i do not care for is that they require a lid on the tank. i would like to stay away from getting a lid to keep the userfriendliness that i have.
Yes, a lid is a good thing to have with the wrasses.

But then again, all fish can jump from the tank.

I have had tangs, hawkfish, clowns, angels, all jump out.

I have also kept fairy wrasses in tanks without tops. Its a risk.

A yellow 'coris' wrasse could be another choice, and seem to be less prone to jumping.
i was reading about the filamented flasher wrasse... it is interesting, do you have any knowledge on these species?
Yeah, I actually had one in quarintine. Did great for 4 weeks, eating well, then one day, it was dead.

As long as you get one that is healthy, it should do fine in your tank.

Just watch it closely before purchase, make sure it swims well, and is eating.