Well I finally found the time to build a new sump/fuge for my 240g tank last weekend. For a long time now I have been using a wet dry filter with (Nitrate factory) Bio-Balls because someone told me that was what I needed and I was to stupid to know any different. Oh well, Live and learn.
I found this awsome web page that has tons of info if anyone is interested in doing your own acrylic work. There is a ton of pictures, tips and detailed instructions. It was a big help to me.
Here is the link
Here is a pic of my first sump with probe holders on the right side and float switches on the left for auto top off. Remember, It's my first. So be nice! LOL
I found this awsome web page that has tons of info if anyone is interested in doing your own acrylic work. There is a ton of pictures, tips and detailed instructions. It was a big help to me.
Here is the link
Here is a pic of my first sump with probe holders on the right side and float switches on the left for auto top off. Remember, It's my first. So be nice! LOL