New Invertebrates

Joshua I.

Hey everyone! I was looking into getting a cool Invert. for my tank I was thinking a sally light foot crab or a reef lobster. Does anyone have experience with these? I currently have 2 clown fish a dwarf angel and a leopard wrasse a fire shrimp and a few snails. Thoughts or other suggestions for cool inverts?
Sally lightfoots are great algae eaters. They are also aggressive, grow large, and move rapidly-a bad combination. Small passive fish would be in danger but otherwise I like them.
I dont think think you need any special things for them. They are herbivores though so if you dont have a lot of algae you need to supplement them with some type of sea weed strips. If you have any exposed intakes then you may want to put a screen on them. At the same time ive had some crawl over my filter and power heads and seem perfectly fine. I never had problems with them and corals, ive event seen them eat algae off of them. To my understanding they can be oretty senitive to high nitrates.
When I had my 90 going,back in the bio-balls days. I had a "decorator crab" it was about an jnch body wise and SUNNY D orange. It would pick stuff up and put it on its back. Coolest thing ever.
don't urchins need really stable and clean water

Nothing more than what all the rest of your tanks inhabitants should be receiving...
If you are having problems address that before adding any additional inverts or anything for that matter
They are quite tolerant though and should do just fine in most tanks with "decent" parameters
I have three different urchins in my 90. A purple pincushion, a Halloween urchin and another I don’t remember the name of. No algae in the tank but they attack nori sheets so they are easy to keep fed and healthy.

Also porcelain crabs are awesome. Won’t attack anything and filter feed with fans in front of their mouths.

Lastly, I haven’t personally had a reef lobster but was in my LFS yesterday when someone returned a 3” one that had started killing his fish. Had to remove all the rock to catch it. 3” was with claws, not just body. LFS guy said they have seen multiple that are model citizens and then multiple that get a taste for fish and take them while they are bedded down for the night. To me, not worth the risk.