New Lionfish... let us pray not prey!


New member
Well, I have always loved lions and for the past few months have been back and forth with the thought of getting a med-small sized one like an antennata that reaches about 7 inches and are very hardy. After seeing how nice a lion looks hovering over a reef in Rogger's tank (its your fault if he f---s up my i decided to take a big gamble when i saw a 3" small antennata lionfish at my LFS for $20 big ones. He was eating live ghost shrimp but im trying to get him to eat only frozen.

Does anyone have a good technique on how to train these bad boys on eating frozen krill? Please chime in. Also, i heard they sell a long thin stick to grip small krill/prawns to direct feed the lion, anemones, etc... who makes them and are they worth it?? I would love some feedback here good and bad and some info on how to better take care of my new lion.

And as the title states... Let us pray that he does not!
Pray lots! A 7" lion can still eat a pretty big (live) meal. It shouldn't be hard at all to get this guy eating krill. I'd be surprised if he didn't eat one that was floating by. They are relatively easy to teach to stick feed and wood skewers are cheap and work just fine. Put the krill on the feeding stick loosely (so it is easy to grab) and wiggle it a bit to entice the lion. Has worked for me in the past and I believe that these fish are not to finicky when it comes to food.
Best way is to stop feeding it live feeders...quit spoiling it! I starved my lion for a week (he can take it) and then he started to eat frozen peices of shrimp. But I also started coating them with additives at the same time so who knows! Sooner you get him off the ghost shrimp the better. Some are loaded with parasites (they are in large tanks clumped together before shipped of to LFS) and spread to others fast.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11280235#post11280235 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by lpsluver
Pray lots! A 7" lion can still eat a pretty big (live) meal. It shouldn't be hard at all to get this guy eating krill. I'd be surprised if he didn't eat one that was floating by. They are relatively easy to teach to stick feed and wood skewers are cheap and work just fine. Put the krill on the feeding stick loosely (so it is easy to grab) and wiggle it a bit to entice the lion. Has worked for me in the past and I believe that these fish are not to finicky when it comes to food.
Oh yeah...something Clay said reminded me that you feed lions that same way you feed much as they can eat 2 to 3 times a week. Soaking the food in Selcon or Zoecon is a good thing too, since the diet becomes rather limited.
well a bit of an update... it wont be necessary to worry about feeding him as he is DEAD! I bought him yesterday and within 24 hrs hes a goner. Reason is unknown as i saw him eat a ghost shrimp at the LFS (no frozen). I just got home and found him gasping for air and being blown around by the powerheads.

This sux.

All my fish are happy and the params are in check so who knows maybe he was sick or didnt ship well since i bought him 1 day after the LFS recieved him. I still want a lion so maybe now i can do a bit more reseach on them and go with an even smaller dwarf species but man does this suck.
My deepest condolences, but I think you saved money in the long run. $20 now as opposed to $100 if he ate your small mysteri wrasse.
Dang man, sorry to hear that you lost him. Maybe try a fu-manchu lion (the tiny little one), but I still wouldn't keep one around with $100+ wrasses :p
It is usually good practice to purchase fish that have been at the LFS for at least a few days to see how they do, then make sure they eat frozen or pellet food before you take them home.

I worked at a LFS and usually the first 3 days was the buffer between the healthy living and the sick fish that die. After those 3 days it was rare that a fish died.



Also how did you acclimate the fish?
Man, that really sucks. Sorry for your lost. I recently got one too after seeing the big man's lion, but I got the fuzzy dwarf. He won't touch anything but live...yet. I tried starving him for 5 days and he still won't touch the silverside.

A LFS up here has a 3" fu manchu that looks pretty good. Let me know if you want it and I will try to have them hold it for you. I think it's about 27-30 bux.