New Live WEBCAM on my 120reef

Verizon FIOS?

I have the business package (5 ips, 30/5). All of my servers (exchange, web, eventualy the tank) run off of the connection.

Ben do you need some help? Or did your dog just trip over the plug?

Nope. Little local company - Surewest. They bought out a company called "Winfirst" that put down fiber in my area.
i did something stupid...that is why u cannot see it...i forgot that i made an embedded player as well, but the link is pointing to the regular player which is not turned on....sorry about that.... i plan to have both links, here is the embedded player

update...both should be working now!
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second link, the content couldnt load.

in the first one, the page loads, but the screen never produces anything, just stays blank (black)
Know I can see it!

Kinda dark... I can see the shimmer lines, so the lights must be on! Do you have this set for an auto aperature or something? The software or camera may be dimming it up quite a bit due to an overall bright average coming off the tank.
thanks for the replies....the main lighting goes off at 9pm est leaving only a small blue actinic on until 10pm, after 10pm the only lights remaining are the moon lights til ~10:15 am the next morning. If u catch it between 10:15am and 9pm it should be plenty bright.

thanks again for the update!
