New Logo Contest.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11630451#post11630451 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MAXreefer


Don't tease us.
I also saw this in an add. I took a quick pic and posted. Could not find a good copy online but it looked cool. Maybe we could tweak it.
Now you got me.
Living in the US but being Belgian my English is not always that good.
What do you mean with "Don't tease us"?
I hope it is not something bad?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11632194#post11632194 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MAXreefer
Now you got me.
Living in the US but being Belgian my English is not always that good.
What do you mean with "Don't tease us"?
I hope it is not something bad?


It means I really like it and wish it was available to use. Its very nice. Not bad at all just envious.
Just having fun.
No offense taken.
Was just not sure what you meant. Now I understand.

Glad you like it. I don't think the logo I was working on would go well with the picture.
Maybe I can do something else that would match better.
What do you think. Any ideas?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11641229#post11641229 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ronert
looks like the TPP catalog ... lol

You are correct sir. The newest issue page 3
Our club recently tried to get a logo, as well, and I was amazed how much of a pain it is/was (we decided on a "temporary" logo until something a bit more suitable came along).

I've got to wonder if hiring outside talent is the way to go...

A suggestion?

Take the submissions, put them in front of the steering committee, and vote on it. DON'T submit it for a vote by the membership.

The indecision will cause far more harm than good if you allow everyone to chime in...

It's like taking your kids to dinner: after a bit of whining and bickering, you make the decision for them. Like it or not, they're getting the Happy Meal...

Best of luck!