New Member to FMAS


New member
I would like to introduce myself. My name is Ozzy, Ozzy Morales. I am a reefer. As all other reefers out there I have a problem.
I first started reefing about 1 year ago. Taking advice from a LFS, which will remain nameless. I bought an eclipse 12. I know, I know, those bastards.
Well after 2 months of having it and lots of reading online. I say that there was absolutely nothing I could do with it except having a FOWLR aquarium. I was like pleh.
So I decided on my next adventure. A 56 gallon column aquarium by Perfecto Manufacturing. It measures 30L x 18 W x 24h. This is my current setup.

.Two 175w 10000k metal halide First runs 8 hours the second runs Six Sunrise and sunset..
Sea Clone protein skimmer a. 24/7
Six gallon refugium
Rena XP 3 Canister
2 Zoomed Power Heads.
About 65 -70 lbs of live rock Mixed base and Figi.

Current Tank Temp 78 -81. Will be installing a chiller  Which I cant wait to have.
Ph 8.4
Calcium 450
Ammonia 0
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
Phosphate 0

Current Live Stock
1 Bubble
1 Carpet Anemone
1 2 head Frogspawn
Pulsing Xenia Pink
Some Pinks from Frag swap yesterday
Some reds from the Frag Swap yesterday
A green acro from the Frag Swap yesterday
Some metallic purple zoanthids
Some light green zoanthids
Some eagle eye zoanthids
Some metallic eagle eye zoanthids
Some Alien eye zoanthids
A 5 mouth sun coral
Some Speckle center with two tone skirt zoanthids
Some Brown Paly
Some Brown with green mouth zoathid
1 4” Cinnamon Tomato Clown
1 4” Yellow Tang
1 4” Foxface
1 female Mandarin

Used to have more fish but my carpet ate them. That B!tch!

So that’s my story all. Thanks everyone for being so nice yesterday at the fragsawp hehehe. I hope on seeing all of you again soon.
Welcome Ozzy! I'm glad you fouund us. Our next Meeting is February 27th. A meeting announcement will be going out shortly. Hope to see you there.
Welcome to the club! :bounce3:

I agree that your temps look fine.
You shouldn't need the chiller unless you plan on keeping certain coldwater species, or unless you don't like to run the A/C in the summertime. ;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9220785#post9220785 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by loyalrogue
Welcome to the club! :bounce3:

I agree that your temps look fine.
You shouldn't need the chiller unless you plan on keeping certain coldwater species, or unless you don't like to run the A/C in the summertime. ;)

Who in south fla does not run their A/C in the summer? Thats like say "yes I enjoy walking around my house full of sweat" . :p
I love ac i keep my house at 75. The problem is the room my aquarium is in. The sun hits it most of the day. So there is my problem.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9220985#post9220985 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by instrance
I love ac i keep my house at 75. The problem is the room my aquarium is in. The sun hits it most of the day. So there is my problem.

Consider getting a fan to either draw hot air away from the tank or blow cool air toward the tank. I thought the whole fan thing was BS, until I tried it and was amazed it dropped my tank 3 degrees.
I have tried that on saturday it just keep my tank stable. The problem was the fan I installed. It was a server fan that blows lots of air. But only kept the tank temp stable for a little bit. I will try more fans that spin at a lower rpm. I will add 3 and see what that does. Thanks
You may also try a large fan with a slow RPM. I had a leftover "personal" fan, about 10inches with a slow RPM tried that and it has worked very well.


If you don't want deal with a bulky clip-on fan, do a search for the Azoo brand of cooling fans. They're moderately cheap, have a low profile and clip right onto the edge of your tank. I believe they have two models available.

have tried that on saturday it just keep my tank stable. The problem was the fan I installed. It was a server fan that blows lots of air. But only kept the tank temp stable for a little bit. I will try more fans that spin at a lower rpm. I will add 3 and see what that does. Thanks