New member
Hi all,
If this is not the correct area to post, please let me know. I have not been on the site in a number of years.
Years ago I ran multiple reef aquariums. A lot has changed over the years since I took a break from the hobby. Recently my little brother set up a large fresh water tank and it sparked my desire to start a nano reef.
Wanted to start a thread to document my process. Maybe get some help from others as well.
This past weekend I ordered myself an AquaMaxx 9.6gal tank.
I'm going to run a AquaClear 50 for the filter (I know it's not the best solution) but I've had success with using them in the past on other nano reefs.
I also ordered a Ocean Box Designs AC50 overflow skimmer, and a low buck airstone skimmer. It's the DyMax IQ. A pretty common set up actually.
I am looking for some suggestions on a good LED light for some soft corals. I've been lookin at the Hipagero (I think that's how you spell it)
. But open to other lights and figured some of you have some good info that may be helpful. I've not ran a reef in a good 8-10 years. Thy said, I'm still looking for stuff to buy to help me run a good clean nano.
I know I need a salinity meter, some testers, I don't want to "œdose" the tank and want it to be as natural as possible. That has me questioning if I should start with dry rock or live rock. Forgive me if I sound like a newbie, I'm a little overwhelmed with all the new products out. When I got into nano the BioCube 29 and the redSea were pretty much new and hot times.
I do know I want to run LED lights, and don't mind spending a few bills on a good lamp set.
What is a good tester kit I should invest in to test PH and nitrates ext...
The goal is to stock the tank with a small Maroon Clown and maybe a 2 Spot goby, a nice cleaner crew and some soft corals.
The tank Should be in this week, I'll get some pictures up as soon as it arrives.
Thank you for any information shared.
If this is not the correct area to post, please let me know. I have not been on the site in a number of years.
Years ago I ran multiple reef aquariums. A lot has changed over the years since I took a break from the hobby. Recently my little brother set up a large fresh water tank and it sparked my desire to start a nano reef.
Wanted to start a thread to document my process. Maybe get some help from others as well.
This past weekend I ordered myself an AquaMaxx 9.6gal tank.
I'm going to run a AquaClear 50 for the filter (I know it's not the best solution) but I've had success with using them in the past on other nano reefs.
I also ordered a Ocean Box Designs AC50 overflow skimmer, and a low buck airstone skimmer. It's the DyMax IQ. A pretty common set up actually.
I am looking for some suggestions on a good LED light for some soft corals. I've been lookin at the Hipagero (I think that's how you spell it)

I know I need a salinity meter, some testers, I don't want to "œdose" the tank and want it to be as natural as possible. That has me questioning if I should start with dry rock or live rock. Forgive me if I sound like a newbie, I'm a little overwhelmed with all the new products out. When I got into nano the BioCube 29 and the redSea were pretty much new and hot times.
I do know I want to run LED lights, and don't mind spending a few bills on a good lamp set.
What is a good tester kit I should invest in to test PH and nitrates ext...
The goal is to stock the tank with a small Maroon Clown and maybe a 2 Spot goby, a nice cleaner crew and some soft corals.
The tank Should be in this week, I'll get some pictures up as soon as it arrives.
Thank you for any information shared.