New reef tank setup - Elos Diamond 200


New member
New to this forum but have been maintaining FOWLR for last 15 years or so. So decided to venture into reef tank.

My first preference was to go with Red Sea Peninsula or Max series with 150+ gal tank. While researching the tank and accessories, I came across the craigslist post that someone nearby my town was selling their 300+ gal tank and livestock due to house sale and moving out. Went to their place to see the tank. It was very beautiful, very well maintained with lots of corals and fish.

Since I can't host that huge tank in my house, decided just to buy only the livestock from him and order the tank separately. That's where the fun began. Livestock seller had only two weeks left to move out of their house. Ordered Red Sea Peninsula from a retailer, later to be cancelled stating Red Sea wouldn't drop ship on time. At the same time I started paying attention to Elos tanks.

When Red Sea order was cancelled, found an Elos 160XXL (200g "“ perfect size for my need) and placed an order (tank and stand). That was in stock and a week later seller informs be that he couldn't deliver and order has to be cancelled!!!. What a bumper and I lost one week in that process.

With only a week left, I tried calling Red Sea retailers and everyone says these are all made to order and it would take at least 2 weeks but no guarantee. Same time found an Elos Diamond 200 (180G) but with no stand and ready to be shipped. Hunt began for a suitable stand for Elos 200. That became a nightmare. Luckily found someone selling a custom stand what would perfectly fit Elos 200. Purchased the stand and ordered the tank.

Tank got delivered on Friday evening. Had few guys helped me move that inside and placed on the stand. Damn, this is heavvvvvy even for body builder type guys!!!. Shipping weight with crate was 660LB. Crate alone wasn't that heavy. I assume the tank may weigh around 450LB or so.

Shortly after tank delivery, plumbing started and it went through midnight. Took a break and continued next day. Then started circulating water with no leaks any where!!!!. Sunday (yesterday) we started moving the livestock and it took a whole day, through midnight again. But everything went very well. Today morning I checked the tank, all are swimming well and corals are closed due to night (no) light. Hope they open fully in coming days.

System ;
"¢ Elos Diamond 200
"¢ Reef octopus sump
"¢ Reef octopus classic 200 skimmer
"¢ Ecotech Vectra M1
"¢ Ecotech MP40
"¢ Ecotech radion XR30 pro "“ 2
"¢ Ecotech reeflink

Elos tank: First impression is its very beautifully made, optical clarity is just amazing. I have seen few Red Sea max at local shop, it doesn't match to Elos. What I heard during my tank hunting period is Elos customer service is practically non-existence. Not sure why Elos would do that when they have a beautifully engineered piece of tank!. On other hand Red Sea customer service is seems to be top notch.

Ecotech :
Just amazed by the build of XR30 pro lights. Integration with reeflink was super easy and worked on the first try.

I am running those radions with SPS PHX14 template at 50% intensity.

Tank inventory:

Powder Blue Tang
Powder Brown Tang
Purple Tang
Convict Tang
Regal Angel
Copperband B'fly
Google Eye Soldier fish
Green Carpet and clown pair
Slate Urchin
Diadem Urchin


Teal Hammer
Red Montipora
Purple Montipora
Green Slimer
Green Birdsnest
Green Acro

Too early to say anything now. Hope they all survive in the new tank. Elos overflow is very quiet, can't hear anything until I go closer within inches!.

Only sound that I can hear is the skimmer. Is there a way to reduce the skimmer sound?. Can I run that only on nights (tank is in the living room)?.

I tried uploading some pics, its failing. Looks like I need to have some minimum number of posts before uploading photos....will try later.

Tank has been running fine for the past one week, corals and fish have adopted well.

On skimmer sound, I ended up getting Soundproofing Acoustic Studio Foam Kit 2x12x12 tiles from Amazon. I put this inside the stand on three sides and it greatly reduced humming sound that I hear from skimmer. Used mobile phone decibel app and noticed at least 3db with form pads installed.

Based on feedback here ordered MarinePure block. I do have phosphate reactor running, phosphate and nitrate tested negligible. However I hope Marinepure just would help in the event if there is any spike.

How often Red Sea Energy A&B can be dosed?.


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I'm amazed you transferred those corals without breaking the plates into a dozen pieces. Looking awesome! Elos really brings out the best in a rimless.

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Thanks for suggestion and compliments.

With the sound deadening foam pads, I am good with octopus skimmer. Foam pads did mute/deter sound waves when skimmer is at peak producing bubbles.

Any suggestions/recommendations on using Red Sea Energy part A/B?
I ask everyone who has a new elos: any issues with the overflow? How silent is it? I've read lots of reports of people having to mod the return to make it as silent as they want.

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I ask everyone who has a new elos: any issues with the overflow? How silent is it? I've read lots of reports of people having to mod the return to make it as silent as they want.

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Overflow is very silent. I could hear some noise/sound only if I literally go within few inches closer to overflow. Its an expensive tank but worth every penny.

I am running return to tank at full throttle and return pump at 50%.

When time permits, will take a video and share it here.
Here's a video I put together that attempts to show how quiet it is.

Thanks, yes I've seen that video a few times :). Beautiful tank. I don't get why some people have had such issues with noise. Seems like the past few I have asked have stated it's very quiet. Plus when I don't entirely understand how something works I remain suspicious.

But I think I'll be getting an elos 200 or 200xl for next tank. Love the minimal modern look and beautiful stands.

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Live stocks are doing well. All corals seems to be happy :). Parameters looks good.

Beside livestock, the two things I really like in this setup are the tank and Ecotech lights. Tank glass is ultra clear and very transparent. Ecotech lights are simply amazing. I purchased single diffuser. After comparing both lights, added diffuser to other light as well. Worth considering if you are buying g Ecotech Radions.


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Elos tank: First impression is its very beautifully made, optical clarity is just amazing. I have seen few Red Sea max at local shop, it doesn't match to Elos. What I heard during my tank hunting period is Elos customer service is practically non-existence. Not sure why Elos would do that when they have a beautifully engineered piece of tank!. On other hand Red Sea customer service is seems to be top notch.
. Elos overflow is very quiet, can't hear anything until I go closer within inches!.

hello . i just want say some words about Non-existence of Customer Service ..
I Moved from Europe 1 year Ago with all my family to take care of ELOS and Customer Service . and you have now the CEO of ELOS in America .
and if you need more service , just reach me at ElosAmerica. easy to find me ..

anyway , your tank is beautiful and welcome in the ELOS family .
francois .