Thanks for the compliment on my water clarity I guess? But I appreciate the honest critique and support from the rest of you.
I will continue to monitor the dragonets closely, and I know most of you think I should ditch them. But I wish I could explain how many copepods I can see on the glass and such. But like you guys said, they have to stick around for at least 6 months before I can say they're surviving. I'll be sure to let you guys know if one perishes (and return the other) so someone can read this thread and not make my mistakes.
Thanks for the compliment on the fake LR! I had no idea what I was doing but it turned out great.
I know I've asked like four times on this thread, but I still haven't gotten a skimmer and was planning on getting either a reef octopus bh1000 or the aquamaxx coneS HOB skimmer. Not sure how to decide besides price.
Also, any suggestions on my next fish purchase? I was thinking a coral beauty angelfish. The banggai's are nocturnal and the dragonets crawl on the rocks so i never actually see fish swimming around!
But I'm about to move my clownfish over from QT now. I've waited just about two weeks, is that long enough or should I wait longer? I got them from a very nice saltwater only shop called New Wave Aquaria. I highly recommend them for anyone in the twin cities.
Thanks again