So, here's my most recent update (interesting on the conch shell btw). So I starved the tank for the first day following them finding a home and resting their heads outside the rock. The reason being is I heard that one technique to get them on frozen was to create a feeding frenzy. Anyway, I created said frenzy and then offered them krill and they took it.
No live food transition, just plopped in and straight to frozen.
While I would love to say that I am a 1%er in being able to get these on frozen I think the ribbon eels difficulty has been exaggerated over the years.
Here's what I think helped:
1) I had an area where they could easily hide and burrow (very very fine grain sand), so they had no problem finding a home in the tank.
2) I bought a pair, maybe this wasn't necessary but they hang out constantly. On occasion they'll swim around alone but a majority of the time thus far they have their bodies side by side. So when food was offered I imagine they knew the other one might take it.
3) Aside from number 4 I think this was what really helped. Back in the day they used to sell feeder sticks made of acrylic. I bought a 6ft piece off of amazon and used a dremel to shape it into an invisible feeder stick. This tool has helped me feed multiple live only fish so far by spearing it and making the dead frozen look alive. Feel free to private message me for a parts list, photos, and a how too.
4) I think these guys were just healthy, they were clearly looking for food (eyeing my wrasses but backing off because they were too big) before I offered it. Maybe they just have bad harvesting tactics which lead to them not eating in the home aquaria. I mean my waters not pristine and I didn't have to camp out till midnight to get a chance to stick a shrimp in front of them. I got my two from
Anyway, I'm excited. They're eating and man are they beautiful. If Bob Fenner could see me now he'd be shaking his head disapprovingly
