New rockwork video .....


New member
Spent about 4 hours tearing down and redoing to open up the bottom on one end of the reef..........sorry you can only see a few fish starting to come out and get used to things.....will post some picks of all the new fish later on ......

<a href= target=_blank><img src= border=0 alt=></a>

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not sure why it seems to not be showing up for me is another link in case its also doing this for others ....

<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="" flashvars="">
Wow. In the beginning I was about to close the video..
That is 4 hours well spent. Looks amazing!
Looks good.

BTW, I don't see the first attempt at posting the video either. Probably a tapatalk issue, as tapatalk seems to have issues with posting video and pictures.
matt did you just place the rocks on top of each other or did you use something to hold them in place ? and my favorite fish is the only one out (naso tang with streamers ) nice !!!!
thanks geo
How about this look ....this is how it is now at this very moment I got mad at a fish took almost 1500lbs out back is killing me lol .....I put everything in my sump and a 55gal barrel .....I will put it back together tonight .....I will take some picks as I put it back together again and when its done and cleared back up ....


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matt did you just place the rocks on top of each other or did you use something to hold them in place ? and my favorite fish is the only one out (naso tang with streamers ) nice !!!!
thanks geo

Nothing glued together in this I just wedge them together till they lock .....

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