New Shark & Ray tank

I didn't mean they were cut, and your shark is fat and growing, I just wouldn't want them to get cut.

The other tank looks very nice, but after seeing your garbaldi purchase and your comment after it: "I'm not sure why I always do things backwards, get a fish, then read up on it. You would think that I would learn one of these days....." (I think pg. 3 of the link provided) and your mistaken Acanthurus tennenti. It would be nice for people to research their purchases a little more and strive for the best possible environment.

Just my .02.
I really would like to see your shark tank mostly as I have a spot in my theater room that I would like to set up a 1500 gallon tank. Something along the lines of 10 x 7 x 3. BUT, If I could somehow get around city codes and development covenants I would like to make a shark "pool". That would allow me to keep "fun" stuff.

TCM, I know you are concerned for the fish, and I respect that. But it does look like the fish have been doing good...even the best reef keeper will lose livestock.
Very true, he hasn't even lost any. He is taking great care of them, I am just saying that I would set up a tank for them with their future size in mind, because a zoo, aquarium, or LFS doesn't always want animals of that size.

As far as your pool, couldn't you use a pond liner and some wood? Is that not allowed? Since you mentioned city codes and development covenants I'm assuming you've looked into it. (I am unfamiliar with those)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14208292#post14208292 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tcmfish
Very true, he hasn't even lost any. He is taking great care of them, I am just saying that I would set up a tank for them with their future size in mind, because a zoo, aquarium, or LFS doesn't always want animals of that size.
I hear what you are saying, but in the real world it probably doesn't happen very often. Last night, when I was in the LFS, they had just gotten a shipment of fish. There were a dozen 1" Blue Hippos. Cute as a bug. My guess is that the people who buy those probably don't have tanks large enough for them when they reach their adult size of 10~12" They had gotten in a couple 2" Vlamingi's that were selling for $20., and again I am willing to bet that anyone buying them doesn't realize that they can grow up to 2 feet. I didn't know it when I bought mine and they are quickly approaching 1 foot in length in less than 2 years. I learn something new everyday about this hobby, maybe that what makes it so interesting and yet so frustrating at the same time.
I completely agree with you both TCM AND Goodwin, we as responsible aquarist should try to provide our fish/sharks/rays with the best possible environment AND would like others in this great hobby to do the same. HOWEVER, what we have learned from either being members of this great forum or from reading or just experience isn't necessarily what others in our hobby know or adhere to.
IME, about 80%-90% of those small Blue Hippos and Vlamingis go to homes that aren't suited for them in the long run, yet the people that purchase them either don't know that or don't care and believe they can always either upgrade later or sell them to people with bigger tanks. To wrap up my point, I believe that although I'm sure Goodwin will admit that he has made some mistakes in not always researching fish before buying them, the proof is in the pudding. His fish and shark and/or rays look healthy and well fed. Could they use some more room, sure they can but then again so can all the fish that all of us have in the tiny tanks (tiny in comparison to where they came from) that we (TCM) and I included. I'm sure everyone here respects your concerns TCM, I know I do, but from those pictures above that is one healthy looking shark. :)
Goodwin, I always love seeing the pictures of your tanks. I am very envious.

I have a question for you if you dont mind, what do you feed your rays? For a very long time I have been planning to do a ray pond, and mostly interested in the two bluespot species Taeniura Lymma and Dasyatis Kuhlii, but there is not a whole lot of information on stingrays in captivity, and I am trying to get a better understanding of their needs. Also how much flow do you have on the tank?, I am trying to figure out if I should have high or low flow for rays.


Well put tangwich. I would just rather see the shark in Goodwin's hands in a tank suitable for it, because he will take care of it, rather than it ending up being rejected by a zoo or aquarium, or going to a LFS only to go to someone's else's house who has a tank maybe smaller than Goodwin's. He obviously likes 'em why not keep 'em long term.
and there is wiggle room in this hobby. I myself LOVE vlamingis. They just seem so personable to me, but I am too much of a chicken to get one. Most people with a tank the size of mine wouldn't give it a second thought, but I err on the conservative side. And I have seen an 18" one relieve itself! :eek:

Chuck has a different philosophy but equally interesting enjoyment of the hobby I would suspect. My LFS which really is a hole, sells shark eggs sometimes, and I don't know of any other tanks in our area that are big enough for one.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14209746#post14209746 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by yukonblizzard
Goodwin, I always love seeing the pictures of your tanks. I am very envious.

I have a question for you if you dont mind, what do you feed your rays? For a very long time I have been planning to do a ray pond, and mostly interested in the two bluespot species Taeniura Lymma and Dasyatis Kuhlii, but there is not a whole lot of information on stingrays in captivity, and I am trying to get a better understanding of their needs. Also how much flow do you have on the tank?, I am trying to figure out if I should have high or low flow for rays.


Frozen krill & silversides seem to be the favorites for the tank. I have three pumps running in the system for a total of 5100 GPH not taking in account head loss. Seems to be plenty for the tank. Since they are both bottom dwellers, I don't think that you would want, or need to have high flow in the tank.
Thank you Goodwin, I really appreciate it! I was leaning towards the low end for flow, but wanted hear from someone with experience. Also did you get your bluespot on line or from an lfs?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14216272#post14216272 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by yukonblizzard
Thank you Goodwin, I really appreciate it! I was leaning towards the low end for flow, but wanted hear from someone with experience. Also did you get your bluespot on line or from an lfs?
LFS special ordered it for me.