New sps Skimmerless! tank build up

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I have seen very nice skimmerless systems. The tanks themselves may not have been pristine, but the corals didn't seem to notice the difference. All had good coloration and excellent health. My tank actually recently (funny story) ran without a protein skimmer for a couple of months. While it may not be enough time to establish the biodiversity a full time skimmerless system, I did notice the abundance of other organisms and no change in the corals.
hah i wasnt saying you werent an advanced aquarist...but from your last replies it seems you glad you have a job with the nature department or what not but i know alot of guys with similar jobs that are clueless

yes by the algae in you 120 skimmerless (which was the tank i was refering to) and the lack of color in your sps i can tell your nitrates are above 1

i have excess to a lab and test kits much higher then aquarium grade....and i test water saltwater sometimes you end up noticing trends with tanks that have algae glad you find his crude replies funny....your tank also has a nitrate and phosphate problem...that coral you posted pics of shoudl not be showing least it doesnt in nature where water conditions are correct

still waiting for you u to answer my original question well that was before you and other immature board members started flaming.....what made you not want to run a skimmer?...please use facts not just analytical data which you seemed to have gathered in your vast experience.....lmao

Aha and you say you dont flame...

When you cant punctuate, spell, or capitalize properly, seem to put yourself above everyone else, make ridiculous accusations, and have the 'all-seeing' power to detect chemicals in a picture of water, your replies seem far from legitimate.

You cant even tell me which coral it is you speak of... even though I named both?

Its also hard to believe you can tell I have a nitrate problem, because my test kit just gave me a zero ppm on the nitrate reading.

reefer44, I'm quite baffled by the fact you have this air of superiority around you, yet you mispell many words and have very bad grammar?

This thread is ridiculous.. It is Jeremy Blaze's tank and he doesn't have to justify his methods to anyone.
i dont have the time to correct my spelling or punctuation...i dont think im better then any of you.....its just i provide facts when i state things to back up my comments...these posters have yet provided any i was born and raised in germany.....sry if my english isnt great

Thanks to all for the remarks. If you are interested in what I am doing feel free to ask questions, in the original thread, as this one has seemed to have been severly degraded and gone off the topic it was intended for.

If you simply wish to flame me, please save it.
Sorry to jump in here, but this thread is cracking me up! Not even sure where to begin, but I'll start by saying sorry your thread got highjacked Jeremy. As far as running skimmerless go for it. I ran my Nano's for years this way, albeit I could change out the entire content of water in a half hour, but my sps loved it. I had a brown monti grow to become bright purple, nearly pink in a years time. I hade numerous Garf sps frags grow like weeds. I was running 150watt hqi phoniex over a 12g
Guys give this guy his thread back, so Jeremy, where are the specs for the tank, and the pics, and your progress, let's see this bohemoth.

This pic make me sad, sooo brown and soo many nusinace algaes encroching on the poor brown acro
Well this thread was for my 120 gallon tank, the info is in the thread posted at the begining.

The 1200 gallon tank, is not skimmerless. It is a mixed reef, and has a 4ft tall downdraft and a 100 gallon fuge.
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