New store in Miami

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Confirmed what they said, they said they are now strictly wholesale. So what looked like a nice store for the public is now only for stores...
I just spoke with one of the owners who is a good friend on mine and confirmed that as of today they are strictly a saltwater wholesaler and will only sell to licensed stores. So us in the north are still gonna have to drive our way on up to broward :(
I will swing by after work and triple confirm, I was there Friday and plans were still to retail, if not is a big downer after so much looking forward to a big store down here.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12570941#post12570941 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rawbomb
I just spoke with one of the owners who is a good friend on mine and confirmed that as of today they are strictly a saltwater wholesaler and will only sell to licensed stores. So us in the north are still gonna have to drive our way on up to broward :(

Ray, were have you been? welcome back.
Stricly wholesle :(
yea spoke to them too they originally where going to sell retail and they jusy recently decided to sell wholesale only what a dissapoint ment but they have some really nice stuff!! ill just find out who they are selling too LOL!!!
I am sorry for all of you that needed a store close by, However the truth is that it is getting harder and harder to be a retailer in this hobby to much risk on the livestock, shipment and even customers, I learned that just two weeks ago when this store received the first shipment of fishes someone unknown that they allowed to check out the new store poured ammonia into the fish system killing every single fish that they had for the grand opening. This was a very costly loss (over $5000) that they had to eat before they even made a penny.
I feel very sad for them but I am happy that they decided to stay open even as wholesaler, The person ordering the stock is very knowledgeable of the business and his contacts and quality of livestock is unsurpassed, this could only mean that we will be seeing this livestock in our local fish stores.
I wish them the best of luck!
I would love to find out who did it and make them feel the same pain that the store felt. That is unbelievable, I can't even think of someone who would have done that. It must have been someone who maliciously tried to hurt them.
Probably competition that is afraid of being wiped out. And i hope they are wiped out for what they did. Also, I second Steve;s motion to inflict pain on whoever did it.
I went there today after work, and I experienced the "we are not open to the public" but Chris wasn't there.
Good luck with the wholesale, I am spending my money somewhere else :D All my $ 5.00 ( X wifes allowance) will go to another fish store :D
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