New Tank setup


New member
I have 340 gallon tank setup with 75 gallon sump, all plumbing completed, Skimmer and heaters operational along with salt level at 1.025 with calibrated refractometer.

I am reusing rock I took out of a 220 about 2.5 years ago. I never washed it, cleaned it or anything, just put it into 5 gallon buckets in storage for 2.5 years.

I put it in the tank, along with 240 pounds of caribsea live sand, and added Dr. Toms or Dr. Tims (whatever it is live bacteria cultures)

I started feeding flake food about every 2-3 days for the last 5-6 weeks.

Tank is stabilized at 80 degrees and ph of 8.2 with no lights operating yet. I have an Aquatic life fixture with 4 T5 HO bulbs and 3 Hydr LEDs that will be hung as soon as I get the hanging kit. (The hanging kit wasn't with the fixture for some reason).

I'm waiting on getting lights in and then will start the algae cycle while the bacteria cycle finishes up. I for went testing for Ammonia and nitrates. Figure by the time I have the lights mounted, configured, and ready to go it'll be the holidays, so, no point in checking it, I'm pretty sure it'll have cycled in that time.

After 1-2 weeks of the algae cycle I plan to add fish.

My question is for around a 340 gallon system how much do I need to keep feeding it to keep the algae alive is a couple pinches of flake food every 2-3 days sufficient? Or will the bacteria go dormant / die off and a new cycle have to start over? Or is there a enough dead / decaying matter on the rocks that the bacteria could survive a while now that the rocks are in water?
Bacteria can live a year or more without any additional food input..

You will not need to start the cycle all over again..
All you need to do is top off with freshwater to make up for evaporation..

Just think about the bottle of bacteria you added..
It typically has a shelf life of a year or more.. They do not routinely open the bottles to continually add a food source..
Some may die off and feed others.. some may go dormant,etc...