new tank that goes with the new toy


Active member
as i said, store credit , it's a beautiful thing ;-)
just regular 90 degree angle clamps from home depot. they are with the rest of the clamps in the tool section
Dan, me lol.
the tank is 32 x 30 x 22. 1/2" thick glass was necessary because the tank will be rimless. it'll have a false back at 4" from the rear sort of like a nano cube, so the working dimensions will be 30 x 28 x 22. The old 50 g starphire tank is going to beyond the reef to be set up as a non-photosynthetic display, so it'll be put to good use.
I can be, when i put my mind to it. The stand should really be nifty if it builds as well as i hope
update: one trashed room and 500 curse-words later
stand is built and tank is on it :-D. It was WAY too heavy for me to lift so i just built it right on the stand.

starting to get antsy , yes
I know what you mean, I've been trying to get all of the equipment ready for my 120 tank. All I need is a 40 breeder for my sump (which is being emptied and broke down for me eventually from a friend), some substrate and some liverock and I'll be good to go. Someday:thumbsup:

trim's nearly done, rock is curing at lfs
time to start thinking about what to put in this thing lol
yeah I hear ya. I was thinking about keeping the rock low - profile and letting some stags get huge in the back with an island near the front for bushier acros. I'm also adding two smaller tanks, a 29 g and a 20 g, for a softie & zoa display and a fuge. these were necessary as my friend is giving me two pairs of snowflake clowns. the nice thing about this is i can cover those two tanks and have a place for fish that like to jump.
For the main display i was thinking a pair of Genicanthus sp. angels, swissguard/swalesi bass or mystery wrasse, one of the less common pygmy angels or a sunburst anthias, and a few cool gobies. It's a tricky size tank to stock, not quite big enough for tangs or schooling anthias