Sorry all, didn't get alerts for anyone's replies. Haven't really had much to update on recently other than a huge algae outbreak. Just did a 10 gallon water change today and switched out the stock filter media and put the intank media basket in with filter floss, purigen and chemi-pur elite. Also put the protein skimmer in to get it going. Hoping the cycle runs its course soon so I can get a CUC in ASAP cause it's looking nasty in there, even after I cleaned up some of the really bad areas and scraped the glass....there's pods all over the glass,which I hope is a good sign...
Thanks rockhead.., took a lot of moving things around and lots of cuts to my hands to get where it is....trying not to play around with it anymore and leave well enough alone..
Like the scape! Further away from the glass it looks like in the first pics... I made the mistake (despite warnings from here!) of building too close to the glass, and I now have sections of glass that area a @#!)*$!@ to clean.
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