newbe profilux - what to buy for max automatization inc auto water change


New member
I am new to the marine aquarium and going to buy Elos 120xl with Elos AQUATOP 120 double.
Could anyone please assist me what I need to buy from Profilux for maximum automatization including automatic water change.
In addition to elos I am going to buy the following:
1) 6206.00 "Nano Wavebox" "TUNZE"
2) 6055.000 "Turbelle NanoStream" "TUNZE"
3) Tunze Osmolator Auto Top Up
4) deltec pf 601 or geo GEO 618 ca reactor

Could you please advise what I need to buy and relavant equipment for maximum optimization including automatic water change and what is the best equipment for use with Profilux 3:
1) ProfiLux 3 eX.
2) GHL Profilux - 6 Socket Switchable PAB Powerbar
3) GHL-Profilux Optical Level Sensor x2 (for auto water change?)
4) GHL-Profilux Floating Level Sensor (do I need it?)
5) GHL-Profilux Plexiglass Base Unit For Level Sensor Mounting
6) Splitter cable for two level sensors (for auto water change?)
7) GHL-Profilux Dimmable LED х2 (do I need it? if I have ELOS aquatop, will I be able to connect elos aquatop to Profilux?)
8) GHL-Profilux Dosing Pump Unit With 4 Pumps
9) GHL Tunze Stream Kit
10) GHL-Profilux PAB-cable-5m
11) GHL-Profilux PC Connection Cable RS232
12) GHL-Profilux Conductivity Calibration
13) GHL-Profilux Redox Calibration Solution
14) GHL-Profilux Calibration Solution pH4.0
15) GHL-Profilux Calibration Solution pH7.0
16) Profilux Calibration Solution pH9.0
17) Profilux LEDControl4Active or LEDControl4Passive (do I need it for elos)

Anything else? I am new to the marine aquarium.
Thank you in advance
I am new to the marine aquarium and going to buy Elos 120xl with Elos AQUATOP 120 double.
Could anyone please assist me what I need to buy from Profilux for maximum automatization including automatic water change.
In addition to elos I am going to buy the following:
1) 6206.00 "Nano Wavebox" "TUNZE"No need
2) 6055.000 "Turbelle NanoStream" "TUNZE"6095 is a better choice. Will need 4. Two on each side
3) Tunze Osmolator Auto Top Updon't really need it. See item 3
4) deltec pf 601 or geo GEO 618 ca reactordon't really need it either if you're dosing with the doser

Could you please advise what I need to buy and relavant equipment for maximum optimization including automatic water change and what is the best equipment for use with Profilux 3:
1) ProfiLux 3 eX. Good choice
2) GHL Profilux - 6 Socket Switchable PAB Powerbar Add another one
3) GHL-Profilux Optical Level Sensor x2 (for auto water change?)Water and ATO can be done with two sensors
4) GHL-Profilux Floating Level Sensor (do I need it?)Get it for tank overflow protection! Must have IMO
5) GHL-Profilux Plexiglass Base Unit For Level Sensor Mounting
6) Splitter cable for two level sensors (for auto water change?)You will need it
7) GHL-Profilux Dimmable LED х2 (do I need it? if I have ELOS aquatop, will I be able to connect elos aquatop to Profilux?)Elos LED is not compatible with Profilux. Need to hack it and DIY
8) GHL-Profilux Dosing Pump Unit With 4 PumpsALK, CA, MG, and ATO.
9) GHL Tunze Stream KitWhat do you mean by this? If you're getting the cable, make sure you include the L port splitter as well
10) GHL-Profilux PAB-cable-5m
11) GHL-Profilux PC Connection Cable RS232
12) GHL-Profilux Conductivity Calibration
13) GHL-Profilux Redox Calibration Solution
14) GHL-Profilux Calibration Solution pH4.0
15) GHL-Profilux Calibration Solution pH7.0
16) Profilux Calibration Solution pH9.0
17) Profilux LEDControl4Active or LEDControl4Passive (do I need it for elos)Will need it if Elos uses PWM. This is basically a 1-10V to PWM converter

Anything else? I am new to the marine aquarium.
Thank you in advance

You'll need to look into wireless bridge to get your Profilux on the network for remote access. If you're gong with the Elos LEDs, ask Jesse at Elos for compatibility with profilux.
Thank you very much for your help.
One question - do I need 4x Tunze 6095 or it is better to use VorTech MP40w ES? If yes - how many of them do I need for 480l aquarium - 4 as well?
You probably get better inputs in the equipments section of the forum.
I've ran both my MP40Wes and my 6055 w/6095 cover and I prefer the Tunze. More reliable and much much more quiet. I've replaced 2 wet sides on the MP40 and have not replaced anything on the Tunze and I have the Tunze or much much longer.
Most people will prefer the MP40 because I the wider flow. But they haven't seen the Tunze with the new and improved 6095 cover which provides very wide flow compare to the older cover. Tunze are easier to hide because it's able to angle the pump and where you want.
You'll need the 6095 for the 120XL. I would do 4 MP40 as well of I have no choice but Ecotech.
Looks good, I would just get a small eheim pump and optical sensors for ATO instead of using a dosing pump.

I also prefer Tunze. Try to find a local reefer who has a Tunze and see if you like it compared to MP40.
I've had mp40 and Tunze 6105 and I much prefer Tunze other than the fact that the cord is in the tank.
I also prefer the narrow flow of 6105 over the mp40, this will help when all your corals grow out.
4 of them on a 120 would be amazing flow.

You will find a lot of different preferences with powerheads, so go with what you like best.
Just one question - Is it better to use CA dosing pump or calcium reactor like GEO and control it with profilux.
Thank you,
use 3 part with a doser its the only way to get full control of all 3 elements, and for a limited time we are supplying people who buy dosers for 3 part with their first element salt mix for 2.5L of water.