Hi, I'm new to reef/marine keeping and seem to have hit a brick wall, which is frustrating the life out of me. My tank, (275 litre/60gallons Aqua One) was started off in July 2016 and it was early September before I added any livestock. In conjunction I'm running a C7 Bubble Magus Skimmer and lighting is provided by the Ocean Revive Arctic T247 unit.
All seemed okay, then the dreaded brown algae started. In seeking advice from my local fish store I was told that this was part n parcel of the brown algae cycle that every new marine setup goes through and that it was just a case of riding it out. Thing is, it's now January and I'm still trying to ride out the storm. Regular water tests by my fish store indicate that the water & salinity are all fine. Hence before Christmas having exhausted all other options they suggested it could be the lighting, (a unit that they have never heard off) but more alarming was their concern with the unit having red & green LEDs.
Anyway, in following their advice I scrubbed the algae from my glass and thoroughly vacuumed the sand before turning the lights off completely over the Christmas holiday. Result, the tank remained spotless and so I decided to turn the lights on this week. Channel 1 (blues) set at 40% Channel 2 (whites) at 30%. (CH1 comes on at 10am until 9pm, CH2 runs from noon until 7.30pm.) In addition to this I covered the red & green LEDs with gaffa tape. Lo and behold, today just 5 days in and the algae is coming back, hence I've turned the lights off and am back to square one.
Can anyone please help? Not only is this so frustrating, but it's also hindering me from adding corals until the lights are sorted out. Incidentally the light unit is positioned 11" above the tank.
All seemed okay, then the dreaded brown algae started. In seeking advice from my local fish store I was told that this was part n parcel of the brown algae cycle that every new marine setup goes through and that it was just a case of riding it out. Thing is, it's now January and I'm still trying to ride out the storm. Regular water tests by my fish store indicate that the water & salinity are all fine. Hence before Christmas having exhausted all other options they suggested it could be the lighting, (a unit that they have never heard off) but more alarming was their concern with the unit having red & green LEDs.
Anyway, in following their advice I scrubbed the algae from my glass and thoroughly vacuumed the sand before turning the lights off completely over the Christmas holiday. Result, the tank remained spotless and so I decided to turn the lights on this week. Channel 1 (blues) set at 40% Channel 2 (whites) at 30%. (CH1 comes on at 10am until 9pm, CH2 runs from noon until 7.30pm.) In addition to this I covered the red & green LEDs with gaffa tape. Lo and behold, today just 5 days in and the algae is coming back, hence I've turned the lights off and am back to square one.
Can anyone please help? Not only is this so frustrating, but it's also hindering me from adding corals until the lights are sorted out. Incidentally the light unit is positioned 11" above the tank.