Nice little online place


New member
Just thought I would share this place I found with everyone. They don't have a huge selection of things but ths stuff they do have is very nice and dealing with them is great. They have very resonable delivery fee of $19 as well. I bought some of their blue zoos and some of the greens and couldn't believe what I got for the money. Had a friend get some of their live rock and it was just amazing. So wanted to share. Sea Life Inc.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6915654#post6915654 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kroe
Carressa: did you get the "neon blue zoos", or the regular blues?

I purchased the regular Blues first and just placed my order for the neons. My first ones are looking great. So I can't wait to see the neons. I also bought some crazy looking green ones. All I know is I recieved alot more than I ever imagined. so many in fact that I"m going to have to get rid of some of the green ones. Getting some snails and Rics in my next order also so very excited to see what those are like.

did they come in mounted or not because when i went there i was like ooooh lala but then i saw that they said it wasn't mounted to any substrate at all and i had a mental picture of loose polyps floating around in water for some reason haha :lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6919718#post6919718 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dfiddy
did they come in mounted or not because when i went there i was like ooooh lala but then i saw that they said it wasn't mounted to any substrate at all and i had a mental picture of loose polyps floating around in water for some reason haha :lol:

The Blue and Greens I bought here attached to shells or sand. but mounting was still necessary on a few of them...The Neon Blues are coming at single polps so break out the blue and dry rocks:) But any hassles were well worth it.
Have been gone for a while. Tank burst and had to break everything down. Two very good friends kept up with the hobby and keep begging me to get back in.

Well I did it, bought the 144 oceanic half circle from Puppy center.

Just want to take it slow this time. Anyone know what's on the agenda for this weekends reef meeting???
Glad you bought that thing! It's a beautiful tank... I see it there all the time and think how awesome that would look filled with zoos and sps. Anyways, good luck!
Thanks, BRISTOL? A niegbor, wish I new a year ago when my tank sprung a leak, you would have recieved a lot of free corals.
I saw that tank too! Thing is awesome!!! Post some pics as you go so we can follow. Good luck.