Nice slow growing macro for a FO ?


New member
Background : I've currently got a 2 month old FO tank, with a small clown, arc eye hawk, firefish, various cleanup crew. I'm slowly adding fish at about one every 2 to 4 weeks. 100g tank, 90lb LR, 40lb LS.

I'm not going to go full reef for maybe 1 or 2 years ... why ? Well, money (need to seriously upgrade my lighting, add a decent skimmer, and I'd like a fuge/sump), experience (I haven't got any !!) and the tank is brand new of course.

But with just my LR (we don't get really nice LR like TBS in the UK) it's looking a bit barren and lunar-esque.

I was thinking of adding a few interesting macros, to add movement and interest (and also export nutrients) .... but what are good, SLOW growing macros ?!?!

I used to have a small marine tank about 10 years ago, and that was full of caulerpa, and I was forever ripping the stuff out .....

Thanks :)