The D50 should be good for what you want to do. Eventually you may want to upgrade to a fancier model but I think it's a good idea to get a less expensive body to learn with- plus that camera should be pretty good in the noise department. Shooting at high iso's, which is what you'll be doing for the band stuff, will yield noiser [grainier] pics but with one of the new models you are good for now. Like I said- in the future you'll have learned a lot and technology will have marched on-- then you can invest in a higher end camera if you still like the hobby.
Remember that now you are making a big decision- you are investing in a system not just a body and a lens or two. Basically you're deciding what brand you'll be shooting with for the indefinite future. Changing brands is expensive. For most people it comes down to Nikon versus Canon because they have the biggest footprints in the market (most lens choices is what it gets down to). Either brand is a good choice- there are small differences all along the line but you can make great photos whichever way you go. I highly recommend you go to a camera store and play with a D50 and Digital Rebel--- and maybe a D200 and 30D for when/if you upgrade.
Also look very carefully at the lenses you want to eventually own. For the aquarium stuff the
Nikon 105mm macro lens is usually the first choice although I recently found out that the
Sigma actually scores higher in the lens tests.
For the night/concert photography the ideal lens to have, in my opinion anyways, is the
Nikon 70-200f2.8. Unfortunately there is a hefty price for the best.
Canon has the equivalent lenses- take a look. Quality-wise you won't see a whole lot of difference in the pro lenses. Cost-wise there are some minor differences (except with the macro lens- the Nikon is $180 more for some reason).
Above all else- try to get to a camera store to play with the camera before you buy!