Nikon D-50 or Olympus E-500


New member
Hello, Many of you have recently been very helpful in my recent effort to select a good DSLR. I discovered the Olympus E-500 the other day and now Im not sure which is better.

Im just looking for some other thoughts on these models.

Is the Olympus E-500 a good camera?
Nikon ... Nikon ... Nikon ... what else can I say ...
I'm not in love with it's 'kit' lens, but for the money, the Nikon has features that are hard to find elsewhere.
I have the olympus and like it; i don't doubt that the nikon is better, but at a price.
I have to go with astrogazer on this one. Easy to find lens's by several manufactures, great features...... Great camera.
Can't comment on the E-500, but I have been very happy with my D-50. I'd tend to stick with the larger manufactures when it comes to SLRs due to the lens choices.
Does the Nikon D-50 Have remote shutter capabilities? Every once and a while I would like to take some self portraits just for fun and it would be cool to be able to stand infront and just shoot shoot shoot:D!!! I have read a few articles that say it does have a compatable remote and some that say it does not have this feature.

Any one know?
I would go with d50. Nikon lense are awesome and if you need to upgrade you can use the same lense. It holds it resale value too.
I love my D50 but wanted the D200 at the time but it came down to $ but did get the 18-200 VR lens that I can use when the D200 price drop in a yr or 2.
I looked at both of these cameras and really liked the E-500 because it had so many featrues and it's really hard to pass up on the Dual Lens combo that is offering. In the end I decided to wait on a DSLR purchase and get a compact for now. You might want to look at the new Fuji F30. Once you get past the negative tingle that you get when you hear the Name Fuji and start looking at the specs and the reviews, it is really a superb camera, almost as good as a DSLR.

Take a look at these sample pics taken by a memeber on the dpreview forum, I think they are as good as any DSLR samples I have seen.
Fuji makes some awesome cameras, as always, as shown in the link above, it helps to have someone behind the 'wheel' than knows how to 'drive'.