nitrate problem


New member
My nitrates are at 80, I do frequent water changes and the best I could do is 40. I have a 120 gal tank with some soft coarls, naso, yellow tang, sailfin, flame angel, wrasse, 2 clowns, longnose butterfly. I also have algea growing in my sump. The only thing that I question is my skimmer ( berlin classic ) it seems to collect alot of junk but I don't know if it is enough.

I would appreciate some comments.
Tell us about your feeding schedule for all of those fish please :) sometimes overfeeding is a huge cause of nitrates and they will feed that algae and what not
azno-3 (absolutly zero nitrates) hafta have a good skimmer. my nitrates were in the 80's. i used it about 3 months ago, theyve been zero ever since. good stuff.
Try cutting back on your feeding a little but make sure the fish's stomachs don't looked pinched. Maybe once a day or every other day and see how itlooks after a water change
How about a fuge. That can be a helpful nitrate reduction tool also.
I have one already with chito and mangroves, I don't think I have enough. Is there a recommended amount i should use on a 120 gal tank.
You could look into dosing the tank with organic sources of carbon (vinegar, sugar, vodka etc.) to promote the growth of anerobic denitrifying bacteria, and/or keeping a DSB/remote DSB (sandbed in a bucket, there are a few threads about this floating around). Chaeto is a fantastic macro, you could also try keeping some Caulerpa -- it's an absolute nutrient sponge, you just have to keep an eye on it.
You really have to keep an eye on Caulerpa. It grows like crazy! I have to trim bunches of it out weekly.