No MACNA 2024


Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori
Premium Member
Also saw this on another forum:


MACNA 2024 has been cancelled!

“The Marine Aquarium Societies of North America (MASNA) deeply regrets to announce the cancellation of the 2024 Marine Aquarium Conference of North America (MACNA), originally slated for August 30th to September 1st at the Swan and Dolphin Resort in Orlando, Florida. This decision, made by our Board of Directors with heavy hearts and immense disappointment, stems from a list of factors including disruptions to our revenue stream post Covid, pre existing contractual obligations, and a systemic change of how the aquarium community gathers and shares educational information. Despite our earnest efforts, we are unable to proceed with the event as planned.
We understand the excitement and anticipation that attendees, exhibitors, and partners had for MACNA 2024, and are forever grateful to those who have shared their support and encouragement. All ticket holders will receive a full refund of their ticket purchase.
We hope there is some way the education, scholarship, awards and other programs that have made MASNA a key factor in the marine aquarium community for over 30 years, can continue, and not be lost forever.
We express our sincerest gratitude to everyone, especially the companies that have shown support for MASNA/MACNA, and we encourage the community at large to support those companies that stepped up in sponsoring this year’s events. Those sponsors as well as others who have put forth invaluable effort are listed below. Please do what you can to show your appreciation to them by your patronage.
Thank you,
The MASNA Board of Directors”

Based on the wording in the letter, it almost seems like it’s done for good. Never had the opportunity to go to one of the events, but I hope it returns.
I think the industry itself is contracting as well. I just hope that my two LFS’s stick around. It seems many people are experiencing their LFS’s closing due to slower sales.
I think the industry itself is contracting as well. I just hope that my two LFS’s stick around. It seems many people are experiencing their LFS’s closing due to slower sales.
Agree, back in the day (90s) there were more than a dozen LFS around the St. Louis metro area that carried a decent amount of saltwater livestock. At least half of those only had saltwater. Today, I can only think of 5, not including Petco. Unfortunately for me, all the remaining stores are 30-45 minutes each way from me.
First off Macna is my favorite show that is left because if focus on education an industry. The rest are giant frag swaps with mostly over priced corals.

Yes the hobby is in decline but allot of it is them.

First off the start was Milwaukee Macna.
It put them in financial trouble.
Fact is this there was several factors that led to it..

They should have worked with someone local.
No locals knew about it. I even asked the fish shops and they didn't know it was even coming. Should have been flyers put up etc.
I know allot of people come from out of town but I would bet a majority are locals.
Weather was horrible.
But the location they picked was right next to the new stadium under construction and the new deer district and construction was horrible. No one wanted to go down there and deal with it..
They probably got a good deal because of it though.
I know there was other reasons and reasons they stated so the above is my opinion.
So they lost money.

They cancelled it the next 2023, not good.

But also there are two many shows.

That and this year it was scheduled a week before another big show and manufactures and retailers etc can not do two shows in a row.
Coralvue said the same they were skipping Macna because of it. To hard to set up and take down and get to another city that fast. So there were very few vendors.

I believe they cancelled it this year once already and then decided to go for it because they had the rooms all booked. On and off and on again.

After Covid it just doesn't seem to me like very good decisions.

I would doubt they recover from this and it is sad.

I mean Macna was really the first big show in N.A. too.

They need to work with local clubs.
My understanding (could be wrong) is they used to leave it to a local club to “host” the show. Due to the economics of it, many clubs couldn’t afford to put it on so it was brought back in house. That and now I believe they have a new president which may be affecting how things are organized.

For me, the biggest issue is location. Everything is either hosted somewhere in California, Florida, New York or Chicago. None of these places is convenient for me. Come to Cleveland, Columbus or Cincinnati sure. Heck maybe even Pittsburgh. But it’s just not worth it really for me outside of those.

If it’s true they’re not advertising in the LFS’s then that’s a huge loss. Not advertising on FB or other social media groups is another huge loss.

I don’t know. I think they need to rotate across various states. Not just the “populous” states.
My understanding (could be wrong) is they used to leave it to a local club to “host” the show. Due to the economics of it, many clubs couldn’t afford to put it on so it was brought back in house. That and now I believe they have a new president which may be affecting how things are organized.

For me, the biggest issue is location. Everything is either hosted somewhere in California, Florida, New York or Chicago. None of these places is convenient for me. Come to Cleveland, Columbus or Cincinnati sure. Heck maybe even Pittsburgh. But it’s just not worth it really for me outside of those.

If it’s true they’re not advertising in the LFS’s then that’s a huge loss. Not advertising on FB or other social media groups is another huge loss.

I don’t know. I think they need to rotate across various states. Not just the “populous” states.

Yea that is what I thought they used to leave it to clubs but even still they can work with club even if it is not up to them. At least have someone local who knows the area or people to contact.

I mean I think they have it at a hotel in the Brookfield area around here they would have done better. Lots of big hotels there with shuttles to the airport. You didn't have to deal with downtown.
My club ran it back in 2007. It was amazing. Most of the club members missed most of the speakers because we worked with vendors helping to set up booths and working with LFS to keep everyone happy. We also had a RC group booth there. I met hundreds of RC members while there. It was in the second largest convention center in Pittsburgh. It took an entire floor.

My club ran it back in 2007. It was amazing. Most of the club members missed most of the speakers because we worked with vendors helping to set up booths and working with LFS to keep everyone happy. We also had a RC group booth there. I met hundreds of RC members while there. It was in the second largest convention center in Pittsburgh. It took an entire floor.

Had to be fun...

I would have worked for them when they came to Milwaukee even as just a volunteer.

We used to help Joy with her booth at the shows after Gary passed at macna.

The shows used to be so fun. It was more about getting together with other and socializing. Allot of the people barely made it to the show or speakers.

I also miss RC IRC chat.
My club ran it back in 2007. It was amazing. Most of the club members missed most of the speakers because we worked with vendors helping to set up booths and working with LFS to keep everyone happy. We also had a RC group booth there. I met hundreds of RC members while there. It was in the second largest convention center in Pittsburgh. It took an entire floor.

All the white light on the tanks! It burns my eyes!!! lol
I wonder if Epon is still sitting in his own little channel?

I get a message from him once in a while still.
Epon! There's a name I haven't heard in a while. We abused him a bit too much I think (all in good fun of course). He used to dish it out too, but I don't think he took it very well. I liked him.
Epon! There's a name I haven't heard in a while. We abused him a bit too much I think (all in good fun of course). He used to dish it out too, but I don't think he took it very well. I liked him.

I remember the fights with him and Scott (tclaw)

Weren't they supposed to fight at Macna on year.

Last time I saw Scott was at mine and Phills b-day party before covid.

I wonder when was the last time Phill logged off for good.
I spoke with someone from MASNA yesterday.
I basically said people were more interested in reconnecting with those friends we've acquired over the years
than doing an educational seminar.
Plus, the loss of speakers was a concern for me.
I spoke with someone from MASNA yesterday.
I basically said people were more interested in reconnecting with those friends we've acquired over the years
than doing an educational seminar.
Plus, the loss of speakers was a concern for me.

On another forum there was a big thread on the losses they took in Milwaukee and it got heated. One of the people on the board made a comment to me that was something like this:

We polled the people there and this is what they wanted.
I said you need to poll the people that didn't come and find out why and what they want to see so you can get more people.
Obviously the people that showed because you have what they are looking for, you need to attract more people and appeal to a wider crowd.

Honestly too I think Macna tried to go all out and for me I do not need a super fancy and expensive hotel.. I need a room to sleep very little, I need a bar and a place too hang out with friends. I think this is the reason Imac did so well.. I mean George with Imac picked a hotel that was more middle of the road and more affordable.

I mean where was it this year Waltdisney world right? I can not imagine the cost for that. Might be great if you have kids but then with kids you probably would not be attending a conference much.

I remember one year so many of us RC people were filling up the hotel lobby and hallways they gave us a conference room with chairs to hang out. @JohnL probably remembers that. I mean Imac was great.

I would imagine Speakers become a issue. It is always the same speakers pretty much, I mean how many times can you see Sanjay or Julian. Nothing against them they are great and interesting but allot of it is just recycled content. With no one writing books anymore there is no new authors. Allot of the speakers are gone like Eric Borneman. By the way he is still around in the hobby he just stays out of the public it seems.
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On another forum there was a big thread on the losses they took in Milwaukee and it got heated. One of the people on the board made a comment to me that was something like this:

We polled the people there and this is what they wanted.
I said you need to poll the people that didn't come and find out why and what they want to see so you can get more people.
Obviously the people that showed because you have what they are looking for, you need to attract more people and appeal to a wider crowd.

Honestly too I think Macna tried to go all out and for me I do not need a super fancy and expensive hotel.. I need a room to sleep very little, I need a bar and a place too hang out with friends. I think this is the reason Imac did so well.. I mean George with Imac picked a hotel that was more middle of the road and more affordable.

I mean where was it this year Waltdisney world right? I can not imagine the cost for that. Might be great if you have kids but then with kids you probably would not be attending a conference much.

I remember one year so many of us RC people were filling up the hotel lobby and hallways they gave us a conference room with chairs to hang out. @JohnL probably remembers that. I mean Imac was great.

I would imagine Speakers become a issue. It is always the same speakers pretty much, I mean how many times can you see Sanjay or Julian. Nothing against them they are great and interesting but allot of it is just recycled content. With no one writing books anymore there is no new authors. Allot of the speakers are gone like Eric Borneman. By the way he is still around in the hobby he just stays out of the public it seems.

This is a huge part I think. I just came back from Disney this week and including everything I’m around $8k in the hole.

I don’t need a $500/night hotel plus ticket cost plus ancillary spending for goodies. I’ll take the $150/night holiday inn. But then, in my experience, that’s where the issues run is the $150/night holiday inn can’t host a show where hundreds (much less thousands) are expected to show up.