Jason, I'm curious, have you tried to setup a system with no water changes? My apex runs my top off, my calcium reactor doses my foundation elements and trace elements, my biopellets makes nitrates a non-issue, my GFO keeps my phosphates low, my auto fish feeder feeds my fish, my skimmer removes proteins/organics before they break down, my autoneck wiper keeps my skimmer super efficient... you know what I do on my tank? I wipe the front glass and test my alk weekly... the only monthly tasks I do is dumping my skimmate reservoir and replacing GFO, the rest are every 6 months (top off CaRX, biopellets, replace food in autofeeder, clean all equipment).
At the end of the day, I consider my no water change the lazier of the two options.
Generalizations there. Doing water changes can be made to sound just as easy. Lets not make it a measuring contest but I don't mind sharing methods used. :beer:
I also use an Apex and have most everything automated. I do automatic water changes of ~1% daily via a spectrapure that spreads it out over 155 times per day. I have a mixing container (50g brute) that I fill up every few weeks (around once I month I think) with 300gpd RO/DI unit (has 3 or 4 DI stages to conserve DI and it's done a terrific job of that). It's got switches and floats etc to let me know when it's ready to be filled and is filled. I have it setup to do those notifications that I just have to dump in a single bag of cheap w/ free shipping IO I would buy in bulk and it will mix to 35ppt. No measuring needed. A quick refractometer check lets me know as well. I then add 1/2 cup of bulk Mg(chloride/sulfate mix 7/1 per g). I have to mix that once in a blue moon. I see this as a small insurance policy on unknowns that need exported and imported. Plus the knowns greatly reducing my dosing needs.
Other then that the only other supplement I use is limewater in my ATO. If I'm not in an experimental phase I rarely ever test any parameters unless I see something off in my display.
Limewater in my ATO for a balanced calc/alk.
My feeding is done via the apex AFS and is set to feed 4 times a day. Then I'll add a sheet of nori each day and 2-3 other feedings of some meaty stuff. I feed a lot.
I have a Reversed Undergravel Filter topped with dolomite in my sump that I have no idea if it does anything filtering wise but it never has any vacancy left due to all the little critters having babies in it. I will never have a tank with out a RUGF.
I have always been a fan of harvesting algae. Right now I have an ATS and do a quick scrape across the screen every two weeks.
I dose vinegar as a carbon source to feed bacteria. This is my main means of maintaining lower nitrates (near 0 and always undetectable via my test kits.) and lower phosphates. I like to keep my PO4 around .04 - .08 I also find the bacteria a good baseline food source along with the acetate for some organisms. If my phosphates go over .9 then I might add some GFO but usually that only happens because I screwed something up. If by chance it's very high then I might look at using my diatom filter and some lanthanum chloride.
Which brings me to the diatom XL filter. Periodically (like once or twice a year) I will create a typhoon in my tank and put the diatom filter online for a few hours. Another PaulB influence.
Skimmer. Because I like them. I really don't see them as being all that efficient at filtering. They do some and I really like the consistency of the one I'm using now. It's got a neck cleaner as well and a 5 gallon bucket for the skimmate to go to that I dump periodically. My apex alerts me when it's ready or full full. I see the skimmer though as a good means to remove excess bacteria (which helps remove nutrients they've consumed.) and a good aerator.
And yes, I periodically scrape the display glass. I have a Tunze care magnet I absolutely LOVE.
That's pretty much it for my 180 mixed reef.
On my 20 long mantis tank w/ softies it's very easy. All I do for it is a 4 gallon quick changing via a pump and some tubing once a week. I don't hall buckets. I never have and never will even when I didn't have an automatic water change setup. I have the small tunze care magnet for it. No other filtering, dosing, or maintenance.
Otherwise I sit and enjoy watching both tanks. Periodically I'll get into some mood and start some playing around and I usually screw something up and wait for it to settle back down by doing nothing but what is described above.