I have a 90 gallon with 15 gal sump that has a skimmer and chaeto. I have had this tank is over 5 years. I don't feed much. I have a banana wrasse, two clownfish, a neon, and a yellow tang. I haven't done a water change for at least a year. Before that I did change about 10% 2 or 3 times a year but afterwards the corals always became stressed and often I would lose corals afterwards. I haven't done any water changes since my elegance died after the last one. I never performed the water changes myself, I had my fish guy who does monthly or bi-monthly water changes on my other tank which is a 125 fish-only without a sump. He mixes my RODO water right before the water change and sometimes the RODI water is cold so maybe that was the reason for the coral stress but I don't change water in that tank any more.