Noisy overflow driving me nuts.


New member
I purchased a sump kit from Aquauniverse, the first sump I have ever had, and I can't get the overflow to stop suckin air. I read off the internet that putting a ball valve on the end of the downflow would quiet it down which it did, but as soon as I would adjust the ball valve to stop the noise my overflow would fill up and not skim the tank surface anymore. Any suggestions would be helpful. My overflow is a single u-tube style. Thanks alot for the time.
also do a search for gurgle buster above mods mentions work great as welll... I have a stockman on mine and love it.
On my overflow I just cut a piece of 1/4" tubing and drill a small hole about the size of pin head at end. Then just melt end of tubing with lighter and crimp it together at end, then I punch a hole though a sponge filter and postion the tube at the right spot to handle the gulping, works great! or you can go with a durso stand pipe design. see attachment!


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I fixed the problem with a couple of 90 degree elbows and a ball valve. Thanks for all the help. Have a great day/night.
One of the main reasons I wouldn't recommend a ball valve on your "outlet" pipe is the risk of something small getting stuck in the ball valve. This would partially obstruct the flow and if it is the only means of getting water to your sump and enough of an obstruction....well, all that water flowing into your tank has only 1 way to go....and it's not down the "outlet"!
There is no way you can fit a DURSO in an overflow box. all you need to do is make the STOCKMAN modification out of PVC, it costs less than ten dollars and your time. It cuts the noise level down about 80% and do not inhibit your flow into your sump.

go to this website, it has detailed instructions on DURSO and STOCKMAN mods


I'm using 2 Stockman aquasilencers in my dual U-tube overflow and they work great. The noise was so loud it made the overflow it's a mild trickle sound.
I did modify them a bit. The air inlet tube that get's stuck into the hole on top still made a bit of noise, so I bought new longer, larger tubes and glued them on top and ran them down to the floor behind the aquarium under a towel and the noise was gone.

Now the overflow is quieter than the fans on my light.
I put an instant ocean towel in the plastic bag over the top of my overflow. Its like adding a new muffler to your lawnmower. So quiet. Thanks IO this fix only took 3 seconds.

There is still room for air to get in.

I like some noise from my overflow as it covers any hum from my pumps. water trickling is cooler to me than huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum.
It works

It works

When I read this post I jumped at the possibility to ger rid of the noise. I also hate that noise. This afternoon I ran to Lowes and bought the stuff approx. $5. It did nto take long to put it all together and the second I put it on the noise was gone. What a great invention - i love it.

The only thing I did different was to cut 1x1 holes instead of drilling 3/8 holes. I diod not want to get stuff stuck in it and have a problem.

Best thing I have doen on the tank. Thanks guys!