Non_controllable Pumps on Wavetimer


New member
If I recall but is it possible to run the 6045 on a timer as long as they run continuance for 20 minutes or more? I want to use my controller to oscilate four of these pumps on for about a hour and off for about an hour. Will this damage the pumps? Should i just run them continuance?
That would be fine, so long as there is at least 15 minutes of run time. They will chatter a bit on each start however.
Thanks for the info but have decided to run these without any sort of timer. I will be purchasing two 6105 and two 6205 to run off the 7095 I already have. Should be a good start for my 265 sps.
Almost forgot but I have the possibility of picking up some 6100 pumps. Is there any sort of adaptor to run these off the 7095 or am I off about this?
No adapter needed, the 6100 will work on the 7095, to connect more than 4 pumps you need a 7092.340, this is a splitter, two sockets will split to 4.