Not exactly tank pics but those are too hard to take anyways...


New member
So I got fed up trying to deal with the water, glass, low lighting and other crap that gets in the way of taking fantastic pictures. So naturally I went outdoors. I felt like a pro (though really I'm just barely beginning). What do you think? I feel I got great pics and compared to pictures I've taken of my tank, I am much more pleased with myself by the shots I took shown below.








And this one is my absolute favorite!


I think I'm ready to go pro.... NOT. But it was fun taking these pictures anyways. Enjoy and let me know what you think.
It is true. Natural sunlight is fantasitc. I really can't believe I took these shots because up until I tried these outdoor shots I have only been trying picture of my fish tank. So these outdoor ones were so easy by comparison.
Depending on what kind of camera you're using, Point and Shoot or SLR, one suggestion I can make would be to increase your F# (Aperture value) in your close up flower shots. This will allow for a greater depth of field in the images, and make everything in the image more in focus. I can't be exact because I don't know what your settings were, but using the last picture as an example, it may have been taken with an aperture setting of f/5.6, which caused the outer petals to be a bit blurred or out of focus. If you manually adjust this to something like f/10, more of the shot will be in focus.

All in all though, great work for just starting out.
Well I was using a d200. I had it on shutter preferred so it was actually choosing the f stop for me. I will have to try tweaking the f stop a little more next time I go out.