Not going to be able to feed fish for two days. Should I get an auto food feeder?


New member
Not going to be able to feed fish for two days. Should I get an auto fish feeder. Or will they be fine without food for a couple of days?
Most fish do fine wo food for 2 days. But some need multiple feelings a day. What kinda fish r we talking about?
Agree with all. - Should be fine for two days. If you are really worried, buy a bottle of live Copepods or rotifers. Your wrasse will hunt them down for weeks. Great natural food.
I would advise against it....I will pull the thread for you ....I advised against this in another thread and everyone without knowing the feeding habits of the fish said oh ya that won't be an issue and wanted to argue as usual ....guy left came back stressed ... powder blue covered in ick and a few days later others and within a week lost the powder....better think long and hard on your choice its irreversible....if you feed heavy and then all of a sudden nothing and your loaded on fish this will equal disaster dont have many fish but this is not a good practice without slow weaning to get them to a regular eating habit if skipping days .....people do it but think about it fish are eating 24/7 in real life when not sleeping....just borrow an auto feeder I have 2 you can use ....
Thank you all.
Thanks mrx66699 I really appreciate your input. I will take you up on your offer. I will pm you. Again Thanks