Not really sure


I’ve been thinking about adding a HoB refugium or maybe a ten gallon sump to my twenty gallon reef tank. I’m not really sure because I don’t know much about them. Which is a the better choice and what really are the benefits? I get they add more water volume , but how because it two separate places for the water?
Either uses an overflow to allow water to into the HOB or sump. Then a pump in HOB or sump pumps the water from that location back to the tank. So, water is constantly circulating, thus the added water volume.

Either will work for you but, unless you’re willing to drill the tank for an internal or retrofit overflow, you’d have to use a HOB overflow to incorporate a sump. HOB overflows, IME (except for Life Reef) are pretty unreliable. So, tank overflows are possible.

That said, being newer to the hobby, I think a HOB overflow like This reduces the risk of overflow and adds the benefit of a refugium/added water volume.
Thank you , that’s helped understand in quite a bit more! I’m not really ready to drill holes in my tank yet , it is made to have holes drilled in it though. My buddy has a HoB refugium similar to that one that he said I can have! I’ve been doing a lot of research on them
Just keep an eye one the overflow. They can break siphon and cause an overflow. The only overflow I’ve ever owned that never did that was a Life Reef.
back in the day when I had consolidated all my tanks down to just one last DT I picked up one of those diamond encrusted drill bits and drilled out a hole in the back of a 20g glass tank to plumb it down to a 10g refugium in my tank stand. increased water volume by 50%. I don't even really remember how it all worked cause it was like... nearly 20 years ago. But I had it setup so it was impossible to overflow.

now days there are so many incredible all in one solutions that already have all the hard stuff done lol. However back then I was stashing cash and picking up any cheap parts I could at garage sales/goodwill, and on forums like this. these new AIO tanks with that kinda water capacity are freaking expensive, like $2-3k+ ! I bet I had $200 into mine all said and done back then, including tools, plumbing, etc.

although lighting is so much better now too but that's a different conversation.
I’ve been thinking about adding a HoB refugium or maybe a ten gallon sump to my twenty gallon reef tank. I’m not really sure because I don’t know much about them. Which is a the better choice and what really are the benefits? I get they add more water volume , but how because it two separate places for the water?

I would do the separate 10 gallon.

I will tell you why. I had one of those premade HOB fuges and one of the brackets that hold it to the tank broke. Thankfully the return plumbing held it up long enough for me to take it down. It was a CPR Aquafuge.

Either uses an overflow to allow water to into the HOB or sump. Then a pump in HOB or sump pumps the water from that location back to the tank. So, water is constantly circulating, thus the added water volume.

Either will work for you but, unless you’re willing to drill the tank for an internal or retrofit overflow, you’d have to use a HOB overflow to incorporate a sump. HOB overflows, IME (except for Life Reef) are pretty unreliable. So, tank overflows are possible.

That said, being newer to the hobby, I think a HOB overflow like This reduces the risk of overflow and adds the benefit of a refugium/added water volume.

I think you misunderstood unless I am... I think they meant HOB refugium not hob overflow.
You are right they would either need a hob overflow or drill to feed the 10 gallon.
Hang on the back refugium's usually have a pump that delivers the water to them and they sit slightly higher than the tank and they overflow into the tank.

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