Now that I've got a DSLR, which macro lens should I buy?

First, the D50 will work. For not much more, you could even get a D200 or 300.

Once you see the difference between a true macro and a zoom you'll understand more. The lens you mention is a manual focus lens. This is fine because most close up is better done with manual focus. On a zoom/macro, your magnification will be around 1:1:23 or something like that. With a true macro, the magnification will be 1:1. Your focusing distance will be shorter also. This will get the shot closer yet.
So a manual focus prime macro 105 is what I;m looking for.

The thing that caught me on the D50, besides price, was after reading the manual it seems fairly straight forward to set ISO shutter speed and apature on the fly. Also has manual WB which IMO is a must.
So a manual focus prime macro 105 is what I;m looking for.

That's the lens you're looking at. There are AF, and AFS lenses. They have auto focus but you can turn it off. They are also the some of the best telephoto lenses. You will find other uses for it.

The thing that caught me on the D50, besides price, was after reading the manual it seems fairly straight forward to set ISO shutter speed and apature on the fly. Also has manual WB which IMO is a must.

All of the Nikon bodies have the same basic controls.
So, the higher the number the better the camera, D700>D300 with the exception of the single digit designations which appear to be the professional models like D4, D5?
Yes and no. 600 and up are Full Frame, (600 and 650 being consumer FF). 700 to 850 are pro FF. 100 to 500 are pro crop bodies. 3000 and up are consumer crop bodies. Below 100 are older crop bodies.
Do crop bodies have full sized sensors? I kinda settled on a D300s as the body I think I want but at about $350, its going to have to wait. I am liking the 105 f/2.8 manual focus prime macro. Arround $250.
Crop bodies have crop, (smaller), sensors than FF sensors. Read This.

That will help you understand. By the way, the difference between the 300 and the 300s is the 300s has video and also can use SD cards instead of CF cards.
Crop bodies have crop, (smaller), sensors than FF sensors. Read This.

That will help you understand. By the way, the difference between the 300 and the 300s is the 300s has video and also can use SD cards instead of CF cards.

Thank you for all your help. You have really gone over and above!

I did get my 105 f/2.8D nikkor micro lens. I'm haveing a lot of sucsess with it, just not in the aquarium :( I can't get as close as I want or the magnafication and the WB is driveing me bonkers.

My wife is actually getting better results with he iPad and a $20 clipon orange filter even shooting in raw ans spendign some time in post.

Will a extension tube lower my working distance?

I probably could have closed the apature on this shot for more DOF but I really like this image anyways.
Extension tubes will get you closer. It will cut your DOF also.

What are you using to process images?
Extension tubes will get you closer. It will cut your DOF also.

What are you using to process images?

Just ViewNX 2 for the time being. I think I want to get comfortable with that before I make the decision which direction I want to go. Right now I am working on getting RAW images to look good without post. I'm getting there. This is with nothing in post and 68mm of extension tube with my 105 f/2.8

Mot perfect but I'm happy with it.
And I'm a Nikon shooter. 105mm macro is pretty capable also. Get to know your equipment. Nice shot Ken.

I've had both 100s and both are fine examples of optical equipment. I shot Canon and kept only my 100 f2.8 macro til I could upgrade, then it was stolen and when I finally upgraded I went to a D850. That was instantly paired with the 105. I can't say one is better than the other but the autofocus on my current kit is wicked.
So, the d300 that I was so generously gifted has surpassed 150K clicks, I’m starting to look at replacements. D7100/7200 or something newer? I have a decent complement of F-mount lenses and tubes.
So this is just my personal opinion. I'm on my second 300, (I should say the one I have now is a 300s). When I had my old 200's, they got up over 200k. These bodys and their mechanics are built very well and will take quite the beating if takin care of. They were made as Pro bodys. The others you are looking at don't fit this type. I don't want to say they won't be fine, but if you haven't tried them, put one in your hands before you buy one. There are a lot of 300s available and you can get them with low count for a very little amount.
My next body will be a d500.
My D300 is still going strong! I haven’t had a single shutter stick. I bought a kit and cleaned the sensor, there was a bit of stubborn dust on it but it’s a champ now. I plan o driveling it into the ground, it is a great body and 12MP is all the resolution I need for our purposes. I’m just being proactive and thinking about the day it had taken it’s last shot.

I would like video and 20K WB setting which I think the D500 can do.
After my first 300, I went to the 300s. It shoots video and uses both SD and CF cards.