NSW handling?

Greetings all,
i live in Corpus Christi, TX on the gulf coast. I live on a canal adjacent to the ICW.
An abundance of NSW.... However, I am ... scared to use it... i feel like it is playing Russian roulette. I am looking for more info before i go live with my new system.

Ide be concerned about water from a canal off the ICW. Most of the water collected here in SF is done at the ocean inlets by trucks that pass it through mechanical filtration.
Greetings all,
i live in Corpus Christi, TX on the gulf coast. I live on a canal adjacent to the ICW.
An abundance of NSW.... However, I am ... scared to use it... i feel like it is playing Russian roulette. I am looking for more info before i go live with my new system.

Doesn't look much tidal exchange to the Gulf, so I would take a boat ride outside into the Gulf and collect some nice clean water offshore ;)
Yeah, I've delt with Texas Gulf coast waster before. It's not something I want to do again. I'd find a source other than right there. If you are really interested, talk to some of the ship crews down there. Many of the larger vessels use open ocean water as ballast and will have large amounts of it stored.