I just discovered yesterday that I also have a nudi problem. I haven't added a new coral in probably 6 months.
For the last few weeks, I'd noticed most of my zoos staying closed all the time and last night I moved a frag of green zoas to a new location and noticed what appeared to be a new bright red zoa had mysteriously popped up right in the middle! Sweet! I completed my maintenance and re-checked the colony, only to find the new red one had moved! Closer inspection ( and a pair of tweezers) and it was a nudi.
My pride quickly turned to horror as I put 2 and 2 together, immediately finding about a dozen more all over. I had a Halichoeres Melanurus for the last couple years that died a couple months ago, so I can assume he was keeping the population in check the whole time, but never erradicating them, and now the population is exploding with no predation.
I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed population bounce back?
That wrasse also ate flatworms, feather dusters, bristle worms, and mini brittle stars, so it was already kind of a love/hate relationship we had going.