Nudibranchs No More

Look at the color change on my SGW. see the post near the top. same fish just months later and in the main tank. Sad to say he/she has not helped my nudis problem.


Either i have hundreds of nudis or he is not eating them, because i am pulling them out daily. Next process is to tear down the reef and put all the zoos in a q-tank. I can't get rid of them in the main tank.
i went thru this a few yrs back i tried treating then just pulled out almost all zoos treated the small pecies and they were gone. I am glad to hear some are having sucess with the sgw
I just want to reiterate that the addition of my Yellow Coris Wrasse decimated my tank's nudibranch population and can be seen regularly on the hunt within the zoanthid colonies.

good news is i have added a Yellow Coris Wrasse to both my systems and have not had the large population of nudis. I can not say they are gone but with a SGW and Yellow Coris Wrasse i think i should be good now.

The Yellow Coris Wrasse has been in the tank 3 weeks now.
Feeding Habits.....

Feeding Habits.....

I do not have corals, just live rock.

I just put one seagrass wrasse ( 3.5 inches) in my tank, and he is like crazy, burying himself in the sand, getting out, I guess trying to get some food. The drawback is that the water is cloudy......

Do you think he will eventually eat New Life Spectrum Pellets or similar? I am afraid he is not getting enough food.

How hardy is this fish?

I hope mine will not turn black.

he/she will continue to make a mess. my SGR keeps knocking anything over that is on the sand bed. Always digging. The SGW is pretty much black as well. It used to be a awesome green but turned drak green / black as it got settled in.

My SGW eat pellets, flake and frozen foods. Try some flake first as it suppends in the water longer and stays in his vision longer. Once he is eating flakes try the pellets. IMHO it is not a hard fish to keep.
Mine is about 4 inches and has a very interesting behavior.

So you meant that your water is always cloudy? or you just meant that your wrasse is always rearranging the rocks.........

By the way, I thought he would get in a fight with my Cirrhilabrus solorensis but they are getting along.
he is always digging and moving frags. Water only cloudy when he get really busy. even when he does it, it only last like 5 mins and then settles out.

I also have a yellow coris and a flame wrasse with him in a 75. He is the more agressive wrasse of the 3.
Well, mine after about 4 weeks turned from bright green to dark green. So do you think he eventually turn to black?

Did yours turn from bright green to dark green or from bright green to black?

I see that they all might change....... I hope he gets his color back.....
Thank you for the information, I by dumb luck bought one of these wrasses from the fish store about 6 weeks ago. The store told me it was a green Wrasse, but it has the same markings as the one in the picture. It has not turned black yet and only came out 1 day a week untill this week. Can't wait to see what it does.