Nudis? What Do They Look Like??!!??

Here's about 25 of the little buggers that I pulled of a 2"x 2" zoanthid colony... I was wondering why the zoas were elongating.


The way I get rid of them is use a graduated eyedropper (like one used for medicine, with a bulb on it) and spray them off with saltwater in a bowl... they can't hold on very tight and the water stream just blasts them out.

Since I eradicated these nudi's the colony hasn't suffered a reinfestation... and it's not as stressful to the zoanthids as a freshwater dip.
I think with the freshwater dip the nudi's writhe in agony and then just let go... which is guess is a fitting end for those dang things. :D
It's like bathing them in acid... and a little swish around in the water will probably help them 'out'. :D
what did you use to set your ph to 8.2?DOES TEMP AND pH HAVE TO BE PERFECT?
3. Set your PH to 8.2
4. Set your water temp. at 78 degrees
will they eat anything else besides zoa's!!!I found one today on the side of a leather.Not sure if he was eating it or just hangin" out...
fastjunkie said:
will they eat anything else besides zoa's!!!I found one today on the side of a leather.Not sure if he was eating it or just hangin" out...

The nudis are really very selective in what they eat so it was probably searching for another patch of zoas to eat & proliferate in. Just remove all the ones you can find, & search often. My zoanthid colonies are just starting to come back. I just kept using a bulb syringe to remove them everytime I saw one. Maybe their populations are really low right now? I just hope I don't have another infestation after I get my colonies to recover.
If you miss a batch of eggs there can be hundreds more.
A six line wrass is supposed to eat them, But it is hit or miss at best.
You can use sailferts flat worm exit in a dip, and that will kill the adults and juvi's. I don't think that there is anything that will kill the eggs. :(
Ahhh! I just found these nudis in my tank on the side of the tank. I was wondering what was going on with my zoos. I think I'm going to go with the FW dip for now.
Creetin said:

You can use sailferts flat worm exit in a dip, and that will kill the adults and juvi's. I don't think that there is anything that will kill the eggs. :(

Really? Would it work to treat a tank like normal with the stuff?
I asked Habib this question & he said it was untested for nudis. There is a thread in the Salifert forum where I posted it. Basically he said use double the dose (under quarantine) but he said it's called flatworm exit not nudi exit.
Well lets all jump over there and get him to make it.:D
Seriously why cant a company make nudi's a thing of the past.
I wouldent use it in your tank. Just a dip.
I had this problem in my nano. fortunately the colonies infected were removable so i took them out and did freshwater dips which works real well. The hard part is getting the eggs out. Mine were a circular, whitish line. I used an exacto knife to scrape them off. I could imagine though where these would be hard to see in a nice full zoa colony.
I have a small sea shell with 5 or 6 zoos on it. Today I noticed 2 little red dots running around on the sea shell. They move fast but they are to small to tell what they are. How small are these zoo nudies? I don't know if I am being paranoid but I want to be on the safe side.
try dipping with lougals solution it seems to work well if you dip more then one colonie be sure to let them sit in some salt water after the dip cause they seem to obsorb (sp) the solution and if they are going into a small system it my be harmful to the other inhabatints after you put them back in the tank
Are they harmful to other softies and sps?. I have 8 colonies of zoos and only recently i did the dipping process, dont know whether it already infected my tank but so far have not seen any casualty.
i dont know if it's been asked or answered, i skimmed through the thread a bit, but what do the egg sacks look like? and how often do these buggers appear with zoos?

ive seen what looks like the top half of one of these nudi's in one colony of my zoa's i did three! freshwater dips! the last one being 6 minutes... no nudi's fell off. i stuck a needle in this fap where the creature had been hiding and pulled out a clear tube that was very fragile. how do these nudi's live? do they just crawl around or do they live in clear tubes between zoa????
bugsy714 said:
It's to bad that nothing eats them, the nudi's are too toxic.

i have seen something eat them...but it is one evil for another...

i placed a zoo eating nudi in my fuge to see waht it would crawls straight to an AIPTASIA and i see the aiptasia just suck it down like a raw oyster...

so, here is the million dollar answer and question...i can control aiptasia's but had a heck of a time with the nudi's. it took me months to control the nudi's but it is effortless to control aiptasias with a good peppermint shrimp and berghias!

like i poison for hafta decide which is more evil...